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The Hill — Warning: Transportation devolutionists running in GOP primary

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As published by Ed Wytkind in The Hill Say it isn’t so. Some candidates for president seem to believe that we can have a modern transportation system and strong economy if we dump transportation policy and funding duties on the states. Yes, apparently these candidates want to run our transportation system as though what happens […]

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Ed Wytkind Talks Transportation Devolution on The Rick Smith Show

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Did you miss TTD President Ed Wytkind discussing transportation devolution on The Rick Smith Show? You’re in luck — you can listen to the show here on the MoveAmerica blog. As the countdown to the 2016 presidential election keeps ticking, several GOP presidential candidates have inserted transportation devolution into their campaign platforms. They seem to think such […]

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Transportation Achievements of U.S. Presidents

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In today’s backward political climate, commonsense proposals designed to fund our transportation system and advance large public works projects have been set aside by a dangerous austerity agenda in Washington, D.C. that stunts economic growth, harms American competitiveness and hurts working people. The result? America can no longer boast the world’s best transportation system and […]

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Huffington Post — Moving Forward: Investing in Our Ports Is About Investing in Our Middle Class

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Note: This is the third piece in a series that explores the connection between a robust transportation system and a stronger middle class. The second piece shows the positive impact investments in high speed rail can have on the economy and working families. The modern, global economy lives by one rule: faster is better. As […]

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Ed Wytkind Discusses 2016 Transportation Priorities on America’s Workforce Radio

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Did you miss TTD President Ed Wytkind discussing ongoing transportation policy priorities on America’s Workforce Radio on Monday? You’re in luck — you can listen to the show here on the MoveAmerica blog. Less than one month into the New Year, a wide range of transportation policy initiatives are in the Congressional spotlight, from stalled FAA Reauthorization […]

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Why Transportation Workers Should Care About Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association

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Earlier today, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in a case you may have heard about — Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association (CTA). The gist of the case is this: many California public school teachers are members of CTA. Like all union members, California teachers can choose whether or not to join the union. However, […]

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Ed Wytkind Discusses Drones on America’s Workforce Radio

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Did you miss TTD President Ed Wytkind discussing the importance of drone registration on America’s Work Force Radio on Monday? You’re in luck — you can listen to the show here on the MoveAmerica blog. In a recent press release about FAA drone registration, TTD examines the connection between irresponsible drone use and safety threats to commercial aircraft and […]

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New Study: Reform Transit and Rail Equipment Purchases, Boost Transportation Manufacturing Jobs

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$5.4 billion — that’s how much public transit agencies collectively spend on buses and trains each year. U.S. public transportation authorities are using taxpayers’ dollars to employ Americans. Well, sort of — there’s a lot of room for improvement.  Thanks to weak laws and procurement rules,  taxpayer dollars all too often reward low-road companies that […]

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Secretary of Labor Thomas Perez: Collective Bargaining is a Powerful Force for Upward Mobility

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Working people got a well-deserved boost this week from Labor Secretary Thomas Perez. In an op-ed, Perez echoed what so many of us know to be true: that having a voice on the job is a key force in driving upward mobility and expanding our shrinking middle class. “Historically, there has been a direct link […]

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We Can’t, and Won’t, Turn Our Back on Them Now

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When terrorists forever changed America’s landscape that fateful day, September 11, 2001, fire fighters, police officers, EMTs, dog handlers and many more didn’t hesitate to answer the call. Thousands risked their lives — and in some cases, gave the ultimate sacrifice — on that day and continued to work tirelessly in the weeks and months […]

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