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Ensure Safe Helicopter Operations in the Gulf of Mexico

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Offshore oil and natural gas exploration is pushing deeper into the Gulf of Mexico – often up to 200 miles off the coast with plans to go even farther – yet air traffic infrastructure to support the helicopter flights that service these operations has not kept up.  Insufficient facilities and equipment exist in the Gulf […]

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FAA Worker's Bargaining Rights Under Siege

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Instead of committing to a fair and balanced approach in negotiating outstanding collective bargaining agreements with it workers, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) appears intent on using a misguided interpretation of the law to allow the agency to unilaterally impose the terms and conditions of a contract.  For thousands of FAA employees – members of […]

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No More Delays for Flight Attendant Security Training

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Over two years have passed since the attacks of September 11.  Shockingly, no meaningful guidelines have been established to address the woefully inadequate security training for flight attendants – the first responders in the sky, many of whom were the first victims in the attacks of September 11. The original language on flight attendant security […]

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Real Seaport Security Needed

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Despite the fact that our seaports are extremely vulnerable to terrorist attacks, foreign controlled terminal operators continue to resist measures that would greatly enhance the security of the infrastructure at seaports, our seaport workers and the people living in neighboring communities.  The single-minded approach of these terminal operators that increased productivity and bottom-line profits outweigh […]

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Support Sensible Pension Reform

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A hallmark of organized labor, including those workers represented by our nation’s transportation unions, is the provision of employment opportunities that include competitive wages, adequate health care coverage and secure retirement benefits for our members.  In fact, a significant portion of all members employed in the transportation industry obtain such benefits from a variety of […]

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Unjust Delays in Rail Bargaining

By Admin

Despite the fact that the current round of national rail negotiations is well into its fifth year for thousands of workers, the National Mediation Board (NMB), the agency responsible for administering the Railway Labor Act (RLA), has refused to move the bargaining process along in a timely manner.  Specifically, the NMB, which governs labor-management relations […]

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