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Letters To Congress

Cosponsor the Fairness and Accuracy in Employment Background Checks Act (H.R. 5300)

By Admin

Dear Representative: On behalf of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD), I urge you to cosponsor The Fairness and Accuracy in Employment Background Checks Act of 2010 (H.R. 5300), a bipartisan measure that will improve the accuracy of criminal records maintained by the FBI.  As the federal government and the private sector increase the use […]

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Vote for Fairness for Workers

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Oppose the Isakson Resolution of Disapproval (S J Res 30) Dear Senator: On behalf of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD), I urge you to vote against Senator Isakson’s “resolution of disapproval” of the National Mediation Board’s (NMB or Board) new rule that will allow a majority of ballots cast to determine union representation.  The […]

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Aircraft Repair Standards Must be Strengthened

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Reject Attempts to Weaken Aircraft Repair Station Safety Provisions in House-Passed FAA Reauthorization Bill Dear Representative: As Congress works on reconciling the House and Senate passed versions of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) reauthorization legislation, we understand that industry and foreign lobbyists are asking Members to support efforts to weaken the aircraft repair station safety […]

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Reject Delay for FAA Bill

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Support Passage of the FAA Air Transportation Modernization and Safety Improvement Act Dear Senator: On behalf of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD) and the hundreds of thousands of aviation workers represented by our affiliated unions, I urge you to support swift passage of the FAA Air Transportation Modernization and Safety Improvement Act (S.1451), and […]

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Outsourced Aircraft Repair Needs Reforms

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Dear Senator:   The Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO and its member unions have for many years advocated for policy reforms that ensure the outsourcing of aircraft maintenance, now reaching epidemic proportions, does not jeopardize aviation safety and security.  The need for legislative action is underscored by the attached USA Today article, which highlights the findings […]

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Include Significant Transportation Investments in New Jobs Bill

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The Honorable Nancy Pelosi Speaker The United States House of Representatives Washington, D.C.  20515   Dear Speaker Pelosi:   On behalf of the 32 affiliated unions of the Transportation Trades Department AFL-CIO (TTD), I urge you to include significant transportation investments in any jobs bill that the House of Representatives may consider.  We appreciate your […]

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Support the Hazardous Materials Transportation Safety Act

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Dear Representative:   On behalf of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO, I urge you to support the Hazardous Materials Transportation Safety Act of 2009 when it is marked-up tomorrow and to oppose any amendments that would weaken this important bill.  This bill contains needed and sensible reforms that will help protect transportation workers, emergency responders, […]

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Unions Ask Senate to Pass FAA Bill

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The Honorable Harry Reid Senate Majority Leader United States Senate 522 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, DC  20510   Dear Majority Leader Reid:   We are writing today to urge the Senate to pass a strong FAA Reauthorization bill that supports our aviation system, its private and public sector workers, and the millions of Americans […]

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Oppose the Mica Amendment to the Coast Guard Authorization Bill

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Dear Representative: On behalf of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD), I urge you to oppose the Mica amendment to the Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2010 (H.R. 3619).  TTD also supports final passage of the underlying bill and the Manager’s amendment to be offered by Chairman Oberstar. The Mica Amendment would allow states and […]

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Letter to Senator Corker on NMB Elections

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October 15, 2009 The Honorable Bob Corker United States Senate 185 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 Dear Senator Corker: I am writing in response to your September 30 letter to the National Mediation Board (NMB), in which you challenge a letter I wrote to the NMB on behalf of the 32 member unions […]

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