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The Wall Street Journal on the Norwegian Air Debate

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[As published By Doug Cameron in The Wall Street Journal] Norwegian Air’s Fight for Expansion Intensifies The battle over a European airline’s plan to expand flights to the U.S. intensified on Thursday as both sides in the debate highlighted safety issues ahead of a crucial meeting of regulators next week. The yearlong effort by Norwegian Air […]

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Roll Call—Transportation Unions Chart Strategy For New Congress

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[As published By Tom Curry in Roll Call] Labor unions are adjusting to the new balance of power in Washington. The Transportation Trades Department of the AFL-CIO, representing the workers who build, operate, and maintain highways and mass transit systems, is looking to work with the new Republican leadership in 2015 on a long-term surface transportation […]

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Capital and Main—Trains, Planes and Politics – A Talk With Transportation Advocate Ed Wytkind

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[As published By Danny Feingold in Capital and Main] To say that Ed Wytkind likes to talk about America’s epic failure to invest in transportation is akin to saying that Pauline Kael enjoyed critiquing films or that Christopher Hitchens was fond of writing political commentary. Because Wytkind, who heads the AFL-CIO’s Transportation Trades Department and will be honored […]

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Transportation Unions Assess Elections, Formulate 2015 Strategies

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Host Senator Carper and White House, DOT Officials   Washington, D.C. – Transportation union leaders vowed to “redouble their efforts” to push for bipartisan solutions to the growing transportation infrastructure investment crisis that is undermining the economy and idling millions of jobs, said TTD President Edward Wytkind following the 2014 Fall Executive Committee meeting of […]

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Statement by Edward Wytkind on the Midterm Election Results

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WASHINGTON, D.C.—Edward Wytkind, president of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD), issued the following statement today regarding the results of the 2014 midterm elections: “Last night, voters had a chance to express their views on the state of our politics and our country. They doled out low grades to almost everyone. With that in mind, […]

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Al Jazeera America—Good jobs no longer an afterthought in awarding lavish transit contracts

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[As published By Haya El Nasser in Al Jazeera America] LOS ANGELES — When shiny new light-rail cars roll out on L.A. Metro tracks in two years, they will likely have been made by a Japanese company. But most of the workers who assemble them will be American. In Chicago, a $2 billion railcar contract will be won partly […]

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Huffington Post—So Now Replacing 100-Year Old Tunnels Is a Liberal Boondoggle?

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[As published By Edward Wytkind in Huffington Post] On October 2nd, Amtrak reported that four of its century-old underwater rail tunnels in and out of New York City are in need of extensive repairs and that service will be “badly curtailed” — terrible news for both daily commuters and passengers who take 260 million trips a […]

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National Journal—Sidestepping the Lowest Bidder

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[As published by Fawn Johnson in National Journal] It’s a longstanding practice in government to give big contracts to companies that offer to do a specific job for the lowest price. A multi-billion dollar contracting industry is built on this premise, and generally it functions well for everyone. We as citizens get our roads and pipelines and subways […]

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Metro—Experts Say ‘Good Jobs Are No Longer an Afterthought’ in Transportation Spending

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[As published in Metro] On a telebriefing convened by the Jobs to Move America coalition this week, experts in economics, sociology, and urban planning highlighted a national trend of city and state leaders harnessing billions in public transportation spending through a new, innovative U.S. Employment Plan – an incentives-based approach to reward manufacturing companies for creating […]

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Mass Transit—Experts Declare ‘Good Jobs Are No Longer an Afterthought’ in Transportation Spending

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[As published by Jobs to Move America in Mass Transit] On a telebriefing convened by the Jobs to Move America coalition today, experts in economics, sociology, and urban planning highlighted a national trend of city and state leaders harnessing billions in public transportation spending through a new, innovative U.S. Employment Plan – an incentives-based approach to reward […]

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