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Ed Wytkind Discusses High Speed Rail on The Rick Smith Show

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Ed Wytkind, president of TTD, discusses high speed rail and its impact on national infrastructure, individual communities and the economy on The Rick Smith Show. Wytkind commented on California’s ambitious high-speed rail plan, which would bring 225 mile-per-hour service to the state, and a proposed project to connect Chicago to several major metropolitan areas, which […]

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Pause a Minute to Give Thanks to Transportation Employees

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It’s that time of year again. Americans across the country will get ready for the time-honored tradition of gathering with family and friends to give thanks. But first, they will agonize – possibly panic – over how to get where they’re going on the busiest travel day of the year. The latter isn’t exactly how […]

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Larry Willis Discusses Surface Transportation Bill on America’s Workforce Radio

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Did you miss TTD Secretary-Treasurer Larry Willis discussing the importance of passing a robust surface transportation bill on America’s Work Force Radio on Monday? You’re in luck — you can listen to the show here on the MoveAmerica blog. In a recent blog about highway and transit infrastructure funding, TTD examines the connection between investment in America’s aging infrastructure and […]

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Huffington Post — Moving Forward: Faster Trains Propel the Economy, and our Middle Class, Forward

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Note: This is the second piece in a series that explores the connection between a robust transportation system and a stronger middle class. Read the first piece which sets the tone for a much needed national conversation. Around the globe, the race is on to bring the world’s fastest trains — which top speeds nearing […]

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Highway and Transit Infrastructure Funding By the Numbers

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Last week, lawmakers in the House of Representatives did something we haven’t seen them do in a long time — they passed a long-term surface transportation bill that both Republicans and Democrats support. Because the Senate passed its own version of a surface transportation bill already, Congress may actually be poised to complete the first […]

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13 Frightful Transportation Facts

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If you think Freddy Krueger is scary, take a look at the state of our transportation system. Much of the blame should be directed at the politicians who have let the austerity zombies win. If these facts don’t make your skin crawl, we don’t know what will.   Skeleton Crew Running Freight Trains? Here’s a […]

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Congress Should Put the Brakes on Hair Testing Bus and Truck Drivers

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Too often Washington is a place where all good ideas go to die and where bad ideas flourish. The latest bad idea? Some in the commercial motor vehicle industry are pressuring Congress to undermine scientists and established protocol in order to allow the industry to use an unsubstantiated form of drug testing: hair specimen testing. […]

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Transportation Security Officers a Key Link in Defending Our Security

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Nearly two years after the tragic death of Gerardo Hernandez, the first Transportation Security Officer (TSO) killed in the line of duty, President Obama signed into law common-sense legislation that requires the U.S. Transportation Security Administration (TSA) to make sure airports and high-risk surface transportation hubs have adequate plans in place to deal with shootings […]

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Our Aviation System Needs Long-Term Investment, Not More Patchwork FAA Bills

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Amidst the turmoil that has gripped Capitol Hill recently, Americans may have missed a non-controversial but significant action taken by Congress. On Monday evening, the House took a simple voice vote to pass a six-month extension of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Reauthorization and avert a lapse in the agency’s funding. The Senate quickly followed […]

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Larry Willis Discusses Transportation Investments, Potential Government Shutdown on America’s Workforce Radio

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Did you miss TTD Secretary-Treasurer Larry Willis discussing the importance of investing in transportation and the potential government shutdown on America’s Work Force Radio on Monday? You’re in luck — you can listen to the show here on the MoveAmerica blog. In a recently launched Huffington Post  series, TTD explores the connection between a modernized, well-funded transportation system and […]

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