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Rep. Paul Ryan, Soup Kitchens and Transportation

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By Ed Wytkind Earlier this week, the VP nominee Rep. Paul Ryan stopped at an Ohio soup kitchen for a campaign photo op to show his concern for those less fortunate than himself.  Only one problem with this display of caring as he rolled up his sleeves and did the dishes — the director of […]

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We've Seen This Dog and Pony Show Before

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Rep. John Mica (R-FL) continued his “holy jihad” against Amtrak, its 30 million riders and thousands of employees last week by holding his 10th hearing in the 112th Congress  demonizing Amtrak. The last three by the House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee focused on what Mica thinks is wasteful Amtrak spending.  Speaking of waste, let me […]

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Plan to Grow Amtrak Doesn’t Add Up

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I’ve got to hand it to House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee Republicans—they sure have nerve. The day after Amtrak reported its 11th consecutive year of ridership growth, setting best-ever records for each month of 2012, Chairman John Mica (R-FL) held a hearing on Sept. 11—not to review the state of transportation security, but to rail […]

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The Blueprint to Building a Lasting Economy

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Tonight Americans will hear about moving forward with an economy that is “built to last” at the Democratic National Convention.  No doubt anyone watching will hear plenty about how the President has focused his energy on expanding the middle class – from saving the auto industry to ensuring America has the world’s finest transportation system […]

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10 Things You Should Know About President Obama's Transportation Accomplishments

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The Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD), issues “10 Things You Should Know” as the Democratic National Convention kicks off today with a platform of how to Move America Forward. There is no sharper contrast in this presidential election than in the value the President and his challenger, Gov. Mitt Romney, place on transportation and infrastructure […]

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Note to House GOP: They Don’t Just Sell You Food

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Things happen on Amtrak trains.  And when they do, no one wants unqualified front-line workers to be first-responders. Unfortunately, if Rep. Jean Schmidt (R-OH) and some of her allies in the House have their way, fly-by-night contractors could replace Amtrak food and beverage service employees who are trained for all emergencies.  Yes these House members […]

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Someone Please Enroll Mr. Romney in Economics 101

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I’ve been listening to some absurd attacks this week by Mitt Romney and his surrogates against President Obama – the latest a claim that Obama is saying Henry Ford didn’t build Ford Motors or Papa John didn’t build Papa John’s, the government did. Here is what the President actually said:  “If you were successful, somebody […]

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Two Transportation Visions on Collision Course

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At least one governor appreciates what transportation investments can do for his state. Governor Jerry Brown of California stood side by side with Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood at the Port of Oakland earlier this week, building on the new momentum behind the state’s ambitious high-speed rail plans.  Fresh off the actions of state legislators who […]

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Surface Transportation Jobs Bill on the Clock

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The clock is ticking on our economy. There are only 9 days left before current funding for transit and highways expires and time is running out for Congress to pass a transportation jobs bill as our economy teeters. Reports from this week’s meetings of conferees say certain leaders are now gauging whether or not the […]

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