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Policy Statements

Congress Should Reject Legislating the Science of Drug Testing

By Admin

The working people represented by TTD’s 32 member unions are part of the six million transportation employees who comply with Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations that require drug and alcohol tests in order to obtain and maintain employment. Unfortunately, Congress is poised to blow a hole in the DOT’s decades-long drug testing regime rooted in […]

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Rejecting Legislative Assaults on Port Employees’ Bargaining Rights

By Admin

Corporate special interests are seeking to use the pretense of a protracted bargaining dispute in the West Coast ports to radically alter the collective bargaining process to the detriment of port employees. Frustrated by management’s inability to impose its will during contract negotiations, they have sought assistance through their congressional allies and put forth a […]

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Military Sealift Command Blatantly Resists Collective Bargaining

By Admin

For numerous unrepresented civilian mariners employed by the Military Sealift Command (MSC) that are seeking representation, including over 60 Operations Officers, the agency is using the pretense of national security concerns to undermine their right to join a union and collectively bargain. Specifically, the MSC is seeking to expand the application of an executive order […]

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Job-Killing Fast Track Should Be Rejected

By Admin

Transportation labor stands in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in the labor movement in opposing Trade Promotion Authority, or “Fast Track.” For too long this flawed policy has guided our country’s trade laws, and it’s time for Congress to throw out the old model and develop a new plan that works for our nation’s […]

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Eight Principles for a Long-Term Surface Transportation Reauthorization

By Admin

The current surface transportation authorization, the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21), expired last fall. Congress has passed an extension bill that is set to expire at the end of May, which means the Highway Trust Fund (HTF) that invests in transit and highway programs faces insolvency again if lawmakers fail […]

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Air Safety Rules Should Dictate Use of Commercial Drones

By Admin

The integration of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), or “drones,” into our nation’s airspace has received much attention in recent months. Striking the right balance between the absolute necessity of maintaining existing safety levels in the National Airspace System (NAS), the potential value of UAS to the economy, and the need for regulations that encompass the […]

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Want Safer Railroads? We Have a Plan.

By Admin

Since the last rewrite of federal railroad safety laws in 2008, an increased number of hazards identified by both employees and government agencies, coupled with significant growth in the industry, has put a spotlight on the need for legislative action to impose needed safety reforms. Congress must move forward on the expired Rail Safety Improvement […]

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Reforms to Preserve US Postal Service, Good Jobs

By Admin

The United States Postal Service (USPS) and its dedicated workforce have been serving our country and keeping our economy moving for over two centuries. But despite its popularity among the overwhelming majority of Americans, USPS faces unprecedented challenges and fiscal difficulties, most of which are a product of bad decisions and missed opportunities in Washington. […]

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US DOT Must Ground Norwegian Air Scheme

By Admin

U.S. air carriers and their employees cannot be forced to compete with foreign airlines that seek to gain an economic advantage by violating the very air transport agreements that allow them to enter the U.S. marketplace in the first place. That is why transportation labor has waged an aggressive effort to stop Norwegian Air International’s […]

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Reforming Food Aid for the Future

By Admin

For six decades, the United States has played a leading role in helping to alleviate global hunger through the Food for Peace Program. This history of success stems in part from the program’s dual mission of distributing food aid to people in need while simultaneously supporting an American maritime industry capable of meeting our military’s […]

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