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Comments for New Starts/Small Starts Policies and Procedures

By Admin

The Honorable Peter M. Rogoff Administrator Federal Transit Administration 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE, East Building Washington, DC 20590   RE:  Federal Transit Administration Docket Number: FTA-2009-0036 Additional Proposed Guidance for New Starts/Small Starts Policies and Procedures and Request for Comments Dear Administrator Rogoff: On behalf of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD)  I want to […]

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Please Support the Airline Flight Crew Technical Corrections Act

By Admin

Dear Senator: On behalf of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD), I urge you to cosponsor the Airline Flight Crew Technical Corrections Act (S.1422) which addresses an anomaly that has prevented airline flight crews from qualifying for coverage under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA).  As you know, the FMLA allows eligible workers to […]

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Testimony on Long-Term Financing Options for the Highway Trust Fund

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On behalf of the 32 member unions of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD), thank you for inviting me to testify on the financing provisions of the federal surface transportation programs. These are perilous economic times.  The workers that our unions represent face unprecedented economic risks.  Overall, unemployment and under-employment are high, the earning power […]

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Letter to Senator Boxer on Surface Transportation Extension

By Admin

The Honorable Barbara Boxer Chair Senate Environment and Public Works Committee 112 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, D.C.  20510   Dear Senator Boxer:   Let me first express our appreciation to you for your leadership in supporting initiatives – including the economic recovery legislation – to turn around the economy and create jobs.  It is […]

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Support Aircraft Repair Station Language in the Senate FAA Reauthorization

By Admin

Dear Senator: On behalf of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD) I urge you to include language in the Senate FAA reauthorization bill that will enhance the safety and oversight of aircraft repair stations especially those located abroad but working on U.S. aircraft.  Specifically, the FAA bill must ensure that foreign stations are inspected at […]

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Support Rep. Cummings' Amendment to Protect U.S.-Flag Ships from Piracy

By Admin

Dear Representative: We are writing to express our strong support for an amendment to be offered to HR 2647, the Department of Defense authorization legislation, by Congressman Elijah Cummings.  Specifically, this amendment would require the Secretary to provide embarked military personnel to board United States-flagged vessels carrying U.S. government cargo in regions at high risk […]

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Comment to OMB: Enforcing Buy America Requirements in the ARRA

By Admin

Ms. Marguerite Pridgen Office of Federal Financial Management Office of Management and Budget, Room 6025 New Executive Office Building Washington, DC 20503 RE: Requirements for Implementing Sections 1512, 1605, and 1606 of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 for Financial Assistance Awards Dear Ms. Pridgen: As the Administration issues final guidance on implementation […]

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Please Support Inclusion of "Express Carrier" Provision in FAA Reauthorization

By Admin

Dear Senator:   As the Senate considers the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2009, I want to reiterate our strong support for inclusion of language that will ensure the ground workers at FedEx Express and other entities deemed express carriers are covered by the same labor law and that workers are given a fair chance to […]

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Cosponsor the Transportation Job Corps Act of 2009

By Admin

Dear Representative:   On behalf of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD), I ask you to cosponsor the Transportation Job Corps Act of 2009 (H.R. 2497).  This legislation, introduced by Rep. Jerry Nadler, will help ensure that current and future transit workers receive the skills training they need to excel in this growing and important […]

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Capital Assistance for High Speed Rail Corridors and Intercity Passenger Rail Service: Public Input on Recovery Act Guidance to Applicants

By Admin

The Honorable Joseph C. Szabo Administrator Federal Railroad Administration 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE Washington D.C.  20590 RE: Federal Railroad Administration Docket No. FRA-2009-0045 Capital Assistance for High Speed Rail Corridors and Intercity Passenger Rail Service: Public Input on Recovery Act Guidance to Applicants Dear Administrator Szabo: On behalf of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO […]

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