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Mass Transit Systems Need Spending Flexibility to Avoid Damaging Service and Job Cuts

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Transit systems in hundreds of communities face a crisis fueled by the devastating recession, the budget cutting it inspired and inaction in Washington on a long-term surface transportation reauthorization bill.  Transit providers of all sizes – urban, suburban and rural – have already slashed service and jobs and many more are executing major plans to […]

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A Strong Maritime Industry Creates American Jobs and Protects America's Security

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A vibrant maritime industry capable of accommodating growing cargo demand and sustaining U.S. jobs is integral to both our economic recovery and nation’s security interests.  Recently, the industry has suffered from a combination of ideological attacks on labor, imprudent budget cuts, inadequate port investments, and misinterpretations of cargo preference requirements.  It is imperative that policymakers […]

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Improving the Safety of Air Transportation of Lithium Batteries

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Fire is the most serious threat to an aircraft in flight.  The situation is even more critical if the fire is of unknown origin or cannot be controlled.  As extensive testing and incident data have shown, lithium batteries have the potential to self-ignite or propagate a fire.  In order to ensure the safety of the […]

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Lasers: A Rising Threat to Aviation Safety

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While laser illuminations of aircraft have been a concern for more than a decade, the startling increase in reported incidents in the last year represents an escalating threat to aviation safety and should raise concerns in all modes of transportation.  The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) earlier this year announced that nationwide reports of lasers pointed […]

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Protect Air Service to Rural Communities

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Oppose McCain Amendment to Repeal the Essential Air Service Program Dear Senator: On behalf of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD), we urge you to oppose an amendment to the FAA Air Transportation and Modernization Safety Improvement Act (S. 223) offered by Senator McCain (R-AZ) that would repeal the Essential Air Service (EAS) Program.  This […]

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Flight Attendants Deserve Health & Safety Protections

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Please Support Hirono Amendment to Ensure Flight Attendant Workplace Safety and Health Protections Dear Representative: As the House Transportation and Infrastructure Full Committee prepares to mark-up the FAA Reauthorization and Reform Act of 2011, (H.R. 658) we urge you vote in support of an amendment offered by Representative Hirono that would provide long overdue workplace […]

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Improve Oversight for Foreign Aircraft Repair

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Please Support Michaud Amendment to Strengthen Oversight of Aircraft Foreign Repair Stations Dear Representative: As the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee prepares to mark up the FAA Reauthorization and Reform Act of 2011, (H.R. 658) we urge you to vote in support of an amendment offered by Representative Michaud that would strengthen oversight of aircraft […]

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Defend Fairness for Aviation and Rail Workers

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Support the Costello Amendment to Protect the Rights of Aviation and Rail Workers Dear Representative: On behalf of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD), I urge you to vote for an amendment expected to be offered by Rep. Costello (D-IL) to the FAA reauthorization bill (H.R. 658) to strike Section 903, preserving the National Mediation […]

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Overseas Mechanics Must Follow the Same Rules as U.S. Mechanics

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Please Support Amendment to Strengthen Drug and Alcohol Testing Requirements for Foreign Repair Station Mechanics Dear Representative: As the House Transportation and Infrastructure Full Committee prepares to mark-up the FAA Reauthorization and Reform Act of 2011, (H.R. 658) we urge you to vote in support of an  amendment offered by Representative Lipinski that would strengthen […]

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Cuts to Transportation Investments are Unprecedented

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Vote No on the Continuing Resolution Dear Representative: This week, the House of Representatives is expected to consider a Continuing Resolution (CR) that will devastate critically important transportation investments at the expense of more than 300,000 jobs and the future of our deteriorating transportation system.  On behalf of the 32 member unions of the Transportation […]

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