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Norwegian Seeks U.S. Approval For U.K. Subsidiary As published by Madhu Unnikrishnan and Jens Flottau Two years ago, low-cost carrier Norwegian filed to receive a foreign air permit in the U.S. for its Irish subsidiary, Norwegian Air International (NAI). What would normally have been a routine administrative task has turned into a protracted and bitter political […]

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The Foreigner Reports on Labor Group’s Opposition to NAI Application

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Norwegian US licence battle continues As Published by Sarah bostock   Norway-registered parent company Norwegian Air Shuttle (NAS) has several subsidiaries. One of them is Norwegian Air International (NAI), registered in EU country Ireland. This firm, which operates Ireland-registered Boeing 787 Dreamliners to America, wishes to employ rights afforded by the transatlantic EU-US Open Skies […]

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AIN Online- Labor Groups Oppose Norwegian Air UK Permit Application

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Labor Groups Oppose Norwegian Air UK Permit Application As published by AINOnline   U.S. and European airline labor groups have lined up to oppose an application by Norwegian Air Shuttle’s newUK subsidiary to operate flights to the United States from London’s Gatwick Airport. The groups allege that the subsidiary would be a “flag of convenience” […]

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Aviation Pros Covers TTD’s Opposition to the Application of Norwegian Air UK Limited

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Joint Comments Opposing the Application of Norwegian Air UK Limited for a Foreign Air Carrier Permit As published by Aviation Pros   For the last two years TTD has been part of a broad coalition of aviation unions and airlines in the U.S. and Europe committed to preventing Ireland-based Norwegian Air International (NAI), a subsidiary […]

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American Journal of Transportation Reports on TTD’s Support of House Surface Transportation Bill

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Support for bipartisan House Surface Transportation Bill As published by American Journal of Transportation   Edward Wytkind, president of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD), issues this statement on House passage of the Surface Transportation Reauthorization and Reform Act of 2015 (STRRA): “Bipartisanship claimed victory on the floor of the House as lawmakers rejected partisan […]

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House passes highway-transit bill, delays rail safety

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As Published by Mark Gruenberg in People’s World House passes highway-transit bill, delays rail safety WASHINGTON – By voice vote and with little debate, the GOP-run House whipped through a short-term – three-week – extension of federal highway and mass transit programs and the gas tax that funds them, on Oct. 27. The Senate was […]

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Aviation Week—Opinion: Norwegian Air Circumventing The Rules

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[As published by Edward Wytkind in Aviation Week] In the board game of Monopoly, the rules are straightforward. Pass “Go,” collect $200. Do not pass “Go,” do not collect $200. When it comes to the rules of international aviation in the U.S., the standards are similar. Apply for and receive a foreign air operator’s certificate (AOC) from […]

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The Modesto Bee— John Previsich, Edward Wytkind: With so many trains in Valley, we want them to be safer

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[As published By John Previsich And Edward Wytkind in The Modesto Bee] California has more museums dedicated to railroads than any other state in our country – and it’s easy to see why. From the transcontinental railroad to the developing high-speed rail system, rail transportation has played a significant role in shaping this state’s history. The […]

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Bloomberg BNA Covers Labor Groups’ Opposition to Hair Testing Transportation Workers for Drugs

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As published by Chris Opfer in Bloomberg BNA Hair and Drug Testing Delayed in Transportation Bill Transportation businesses will have to wait at least a year to start taking hair samples to test workers for drugs, under the surface transportation reauthorization bill (H.R. 3763) approved by the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Oct. 22. Unlike the […]

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BuzzFeed News Highlights Reasons Bus and Truck Drivers Should not be Subjected to Hair Testing

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As published by Amanda Chicago Lewis in BuzzFeed News A Potentially Racist Drug Test Could Become Standard For Truckers Congress is poised to let the commercial trucking and bus industries rely solely on hair drug tests that have been found to have two troubling problems: Black people are more likely to test positive than whites, […]

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