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Recode Discusses secretary-designate elaine chao’s potential impact on the future of self-driving technology

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Trump’s pick for transportation secretary could be good for companies with self-driving ambitions As reported by Johana Bhuiyan on Recode Donald Trump will reportedly nominate Elaine Chao — the former secretary of labor under the Bush administration who also served as the deputy secretary of transportation under the previous Bush administration — to be the […]

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Progressive Railroading Reports on reactions to the appointment of Elaine Chao to Department of Transportation

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President-elect Trump picks Chao to run USDOT As reported by Progressive Railroading President-elect Donald Trump’s selection of Elaine Chao as the next U.S. secretary of transportation drew praise today from several rail industry leaders and organizations. Chao served as secretary of labor under President George W. Bush from 2001 through 2009. She also served as […]

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Journal of Commerce Reports on Transportation Secretary-Designate Chao

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Trump’s transport chief pick has record of rolling back regs As reported by Reynolds Hutchins in Journal of Commerce WASHINGTON — President-elect Donald Trump’s pick to head the Department of Transportation, former Labor Secretary Elaine Chao, has a track record of rolling back regulation and a pro-business bent that has run afoul of labor unions. […]

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Statement on the Nomination of Elaine Chao as Transportation Secretary

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“Secretary-designate Chao has an opportunity to play a large role in living up to the commitments made by President-elect Trump that he would rebuild the middle class through job-creation policies. Advancing massive federal investment in new transportation projects is one of the best policy strategies for improving our economy, boosting American competitiveness and putting millions to work.”

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Los Angeles Times Reports on California High Speed Rail Authority’s plan to buy American parts for Trains

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California’s bullet train authority decides to buy American after all As Published by Ralph Vartabedian in Los Angeles Times The California High Speed Rail Authority has reversed its plans to buy foreign parts for its trains, saying in a letter to federal regulators that it was withdrawing a request for a waiver from the Buy American Act. […]

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Statement on Withdrawal of Buy America Waivers by California High Speed Rail Authority

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I am extremely pleased that the California High Speed Rail Authority (CAHSRA) has chosen to withdraw its Buy America waiver request for certain components of its high speed trainsets. With this announcement CAHSRA has reinforced its commitment to maximizing American job creation and ensuring this historic infrastructure project provides the greatest possible economic impact in the U.S.

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Transportation Labor Honors Our Nation’s Veterans

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Edward Wytkind, President of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD), issues this statement honoring America’s veterans: “On this Veterans Day, the Transportation Trades Department unites with its 32 member unions to honor those Americans who make sacrifices every day in service to the nation – the active duty military and veterans. Upon coming home or […]

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Statement on U.S. Senate’s Water Resources Development Act

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WASHINGTON, DC — Edward Wytkind issues this statement on S.2848, the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) of 2016: “Once again, Senators Boxer and Inhofe have proven that bipartisanship in Washington is not dead. TTD applauds their leadership on WRDA, which will authorize new Army Corps projects, keep American ports and harbors competitive, create good jobs […]

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Statement on the Anniversary of the September 11 Terrorist Attacks

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Washington, DC — The following statement was issued today by Edward Wytkind, president of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD), on the anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks: “On the 15th anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks, we pause to remember and honor the working people who lost their lives in the […]

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Politico Reports on Tension Between Amtrak, Private Bidders Over Long-Distance Rail

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Private railroads, Amtrak spar over FRA pilot program rule As published by Lauren Gardner in Politico A pilot program to give private companies the chance to take over passenger train service on some long-distance routes from Amtrak is stoking tension among those businesses and the government-backed corporation as federal regulators craft the rules for the […]

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