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Transportation Labor Backs Job-Creating Initiatives of Democratic Governors Association and Labor Leaders

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WASHINGTON, DC– In support of the Democratic Governors Association’s Jobs Policy Summit, the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO issued the following statement from President Edward Wytkind: “We congratulate the Democratic Governors Association (DGA) and the labor leaders standing with them for the strong recommendations developed at today’s Jobs Policy Summit held in Baltimore.  In particular, we […]

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Working to Honor the Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

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WASHINGTON, DC – Edward Wytkind, President of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD), issues the following statement in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.: “As we look back at the historic work of civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., who lifted the lives of so many hard-working Americans through his profound leadership and […]

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Transportation Labor Praises New Federal Rule on Pilot Fatigue; Work Remains to Cover Air Cargo Sector

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WASHINGTON, DC – Edward Wytkind, President of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD), issued the following statement in response to the release of new federal regulations addressing passenger airline pilot fatigue: “Today the Obama Administration took a major step forward in making air travel safer by addressing the chronic fatigue that plagues the nation’s pilots. […]

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Court of Appeals Validates Airline and Rail Union Election Rules

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WASHINGTON, DC – Edward Wytkind, President of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO, issued the following statement after the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit upheld the National Mediation Board’s decision to change its union election rules: “We are pleased that the U.S. Court of Appeals has validated what we have known […]

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National Journal Blog – Commuter Benefits: A Payroll Tax Cut Congress Can Agree On

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[As posted by Ed Wytkind on National Journal’s Transportation Experts Blog] While Congressional Democrats and Republicans squabble over whether, and how, to cut payroll taxes for employers, they’re ironically set to cut from one popular program that’s already allowed employers to save hundreds of millions of dollars in payroll taxes while offering vital commuter benefits. As […]

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Transportation Labor: Senate Obstructionists are Dooming the Economy

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WASHINGTON, DC – Edward Wytkind, President of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO, issued the following statement today on the Senate GOP’s decision to block the Rebuild America Jobs Act: “Today, a minority of Senators voted to block legislation that would boost the economy, put hundreds of thousands to work, modernize our badly deteriorating transportation system, […]

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Carnahan-LaTourette Bill Boosts Ailing Transit Systems

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H.R. 3200 Will Help Avert Service and Job Cuts WASHINGTON, DC – The Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD) today endorsed the Local Flexibility for Transit Assistance Act, legislation authored by Reps. Russ Carnahan (D-MO) and Steve LaTourette (R-OH) that will provide long overdue relief to financially distressed transit systems that continue to cut service and […]

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Transportation Unions Endorse President’s Transportation Jobs Bill, Vow to Defend Federal and U.S. Postal Service Workers

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WASHINGTON, DC – Transportation union leaders yesterday endorsed the President’s transportation jobs bill, which builds on President Obama’s legacy of using investments in transportation as important pillars of economic policy. In their annual fall meeting Thursday, leaders of the 32 unions that form the Executive Committee of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD) vowed to […]

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Brinkmanship on Air Safety Bill Must Stop

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[As published in The Hill] It’s happened again. You’ve been a temp for years now. You do a great job and no one complains. Every few months the boss extends your position but refuses to make your job permanent. This has happened 22 times over five years, and you have been in constant limbo and […]

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Transportation Labor Applauds Confirmation of Walt Barrows to Railroad Retirement Board

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WASHINGTON, DC – Edward Wytkind, President of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO, issued the following statement today in reaction to Senate confirmation of Walter A. Barrows as Labor Member on the Railroad Retirement Board: “Transportation labor commends the U.S. Senate for confirming Walt Barrows to serve on the Railroad Retirement Board. With Mr. Barrows’ arrival […]

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