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Letters To Congress

Support the Federal Railroad Safety Improvement Act, Napolitano Amendment

By Admin

Dear Representative: When the House considers H.R. 2095, the Federal Railroad Safety Improvement Act, we urge you to support this important legislation.  It has been over a decade since rail safety laws were updated and it is long past time that this industry and its workers see improvements. For years, transportation labor has called for […]

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Vote Yes on the FAA Reauthorization Bill

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Dear Representative: On behalf of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD) and the hundreds of thousands of aviation and related workers represented by our affiliated unions, I write to urge you to support the FAA Reauthorization Act (H.R. 2881) when it is considered today.  While we shared our specific concerns related to amendments to this […]

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FAA Reauthorization: Protect Aircraft Safety

By Admin

Dear Representative: When the House of Representatives considers the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2007 (HR 2881), we urge you to support an amendment offered by Rep. Ted Poe (R-TX) to extend drug and alcohol testing to maintenance work being performed on U.S. air carriers at foreign aircraft repair stations. Under current rules, individual mechanics at […]

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Support Fairness in FAA Labor-Management Relations

By Admin

Dear Representative: On behalf of transportation labor, I urge you to support the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2007 (HR 2881) which restores a fair collective bargaining process for FAA employees. When the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee marked-up the FAA bill, it adopted an amendment by Aviation Subcommittee Chairman Costello to restore fairness to the collective […]

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FAA Reauthorization: Protect Workers’ Organizing Rights

By Admin

September 18, 2007 Dear Representative: On behalf of the millions of transportation workers represented by the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD), I write to urge you to reject any amendment to strike the “Express Carrier” language in the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2007 (HR 2881) when it is considered by the full House. When the […]

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Protect Highway Safety, Support the Dorgan-Specter Amendment

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Dear Senator: On behalf of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TID), I urge you to support the DorganSpecter Amendment to the Senate FYOS Transportation Appropriations bill. This amendment would prohibit the implementation of an ill advised federal pilot program permitting Mexico-domiciled trucking companies to transport goods on American highways. Transportation unions have long been concerned […]

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Support the Carnahan Merger Protection Amendment

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This letter on TTD letterhead

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TTD Response to Senate Rail Safey Hearing

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TTD Response to Senate Rail Safey Hearing

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Co-sign the Braley Letter, Strengthen Standards for Airport Firefighting

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Co-sign the Braley Letter

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Support the Costello Amendment to Restore Fairness in FAA Labor-Management Relations

By Admin

June 28, 2007 Dear Representative: On behalf of transportation labor, I urge you to support the Costello Amendment to restore fairness to the collective bargaining system that governs labor-management relations at the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Last year, despite loud bipartisan protests from Congress, the FAA ignored its obligation to bargain fairly with its employees […]

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