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Letters To Congress

Make our Ports More Secure: Support the Kerry Worker Training Amendment

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Dear Senator: As the Senate works to complete debate on port security legislation, H.R. 4954, I urge your support for a bi-partisan amendment, led by Senator John Kerry, to ensure strong security training requirements for longshore and other port workers. Properly preparing hundreds of thousands of port workers for the event of a terrorist threat […]

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Weak Worker Security Training in Port Security Bill

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The Honorable Daniel Inouye, Co-Chair Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee 508 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington, DC  20510 Dear Senator Inouye: With the Senate moving rapidly to complete port security legislation, H.R. 4954, I wanted to express our deep concern regarding the weak worker security training provisions currently included in the Senate bill. Since the […]

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Support the Inouye-Dorgan-Specter Amendment to Stop Foreign Control of U.S. Airlines

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Dear Senator: When the Appropriations Committee considers the FY 2007 TTHUD bill later today, Senators Inouye, Dorgan and Specter will offer an amendment to prevent the Department of Transportation (DOT) from finalizing or implementing its proposal to permit foreign interests, including foreign airlines, to control U.S. airlines.  On behalf of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO […]

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Vote for Murray Amendment to Preserve Fairness for Amtrak Workers

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Dear Senator: At today’s Subcommittee mark-up of the Transportation, Treasury Appropriations bill, Senator Murray will offer an amendment to strike a provision in the bill that would inappropriately interfere in the collective bargaining relationship between Amtrak and its workers.  On behalf of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO, I urge you to vote for this amendment […]

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Support Oberstar-LoBiondo-Poe Amendment to Stop Foreign Control of U.S. Airlines

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Dear Representative: When the House considers the Transportation-Treasury-HUD Appropriations bill this week, I urge you to support an amendment offered by Reps. Jim Oberstar (D-MN), Frank LoBiondo (R-NJ) and Ted Poe (R-TX) that would stop the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) from finalizing and implementing its proposal to allow foreign control of U.S. airlines.  The […]

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Support the LaTourette-Oberstar Amendment to Protect Amtrak

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Dear Representative: On behalf of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD) I urge you to support the LaTourette-Oberstar amendment to H.R. 5576 (Transportation-Treasury-HUD Appropriations bill) to save our national passenger rail system.  The LaTourette-Oberstar amendment would increase funding for Amtrak by $214 million. The $900 million included in the Committee bill would shut down our […]

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Retain the Senate Provision to Prevent Foreign Control of U.S. Airlines

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Dear Conferee: As you finalize the emergency supplemental conference report, I urge you to support an important provision included in the Senate-passed bill that would prevent the Department of Transportation (DOT) from changing long-standing rules to allow foreign interests to control U.S. airlines. During Senate committee mark-up, an amendment supported by Senators Daniel Inouye (D-HI) […]

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Aviation Unions Voice Support for FAA Employees in H. R. 5449

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Dear Representative: As unions representing hundreds of thousands of workers employed by our nation’s airlines, we are writing in support of H.R. 5449 and ask that you vote in favor of this legislation when it comes to the floor for a vote this week. H.R. 5449 was introduced by Representative Steven LaTourette (R-OH) in an […]

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Ensure Collective Bargaining Disputes at FAA Are Resolved Fairly

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Dear Representative: On behalf of the 31 member unions of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD), I urge you to vote yes on H.R. 5449, legislation introduced by Rep. Steve LaTourette (R-OH), when it is considered by the House under suspension of the rules.  This bill would ensure that collective bargaining disputes between the Federal […]

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Oppose the McCain Amendment to Allow Foreign Control of U.S. Airlines

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Dear Senator: It is our understanding that Senator McCain intends to offer an amendment to strip the Inouye-Stevens language on airline foreign control in the supplemental spending bill this week.  On behalf of transportation labor, I urge you to oppose the McCain amendment. The bipartisan Inouye-Stevens language was adopted by voice vote during committee consideration […]

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