The people who build, operate and maintain our nation’s transportation systems are struggling, as are most Americans, with the scope and effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. The spread of the disease does not appear to be slowing down, and it is clear that this is not only a public health crisis, but also an economic one. As the elected leaders of transportation unions we are calling on federal policymakers to take decisive action to address both the immediate and long-term health and economic effects caused by COVID-19. Critically, any solutions must focus on helping frontline workers who are bearing the brunt of the outbreak from both a health and economic perspective.
There are three separate, but inextricably related challenges:
- Addressing the immediate public health crisis by preventing the spread of the disease and keeping workers safe on the job.
- Providing immediate economic relief for those whose livelihood is threatened during this crisis.
- Providing long-term economic stability for transportation workers and the systems they support.
- AFL-CIO: COVID-19 Pandemic Resources
- CDC: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Guidelines
- CDC: Preventing spread of disease on commercial aircraft: guidance for cabin crew
- CDC: Interim Recommendations for Airlines and Airline Crew: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in China
- CDC: Guidance for Airlines on Reporting Onboard Deaths or Illnesses to CDC
- CDC: Environmental Cleaning and Disinfection Recommendations
- FAA: Interim Health Guidance for Air Carriers and Crews
- OSHA: Interim Guidance for Airline Workers and Employers
- Transportation Labor Principles for Combating the COVID-19 Public Health and Economic Crisis
- Support Critical Public Transportation Funding in Emergency Aid Package
- Aviation Unions Call on Congress to Prioritize Workers in Relief Package
- Congress Must Support Rail Workers in Aid Packages
- Public Transportation Labor and Industry Join in Calling f0r $16B in Emergency Funding
- Rail Labor and Management Call for Support on Critical Railroad Unemployment Benefits
- Give Essential Frontline Workers the Support They Deserve
- TTD Calls on Congress to Include Emergency Infrastructure Funding in Next Covid-19 Relief Bill
- Transportation Labor Calls for Additional, Urgently Needed Transit Assistance
- Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin Must Ensure CARES Act Funds Reach Frontline Aviation Workers
- Treasury Department Must Issue Aviation Payroll Grants
- Rail Labor to FRA: Recalling Furloughed Employees Must Come Before Safety Waivers
- TTD Demands Immediate Federal Protective Measures for Frontline Workers
- Transportation labor calls for PPE for frontline workers
- To Protect Workers from Covid-19, DOT Must Pause Testing
- April 14, 2020: By Turning Cares Act grants into loans, Treasury Department is Hurting Aviation Industry and Frontline Workers
- March 25, 2020: Lawmakers can stand with working people by passing the CARES Act
- March 24, 2020: Aviation aid must come with conditions that put workers first
- March 10, 2020: The needs of working people must take center stage in Covid-19 policy debates