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TTD on the Hill


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WASHINGTON—Today, Senators Mike Braun, Jon Tester, Roger Marshall and Pete Ricketts introduced bipartisan legislation to enshrine a continued role for American farmers in the Food for Peace (FFP) program and increase accountability and transparency in FFP program functions. U.S. Representatives Tracey Mann (KS-01), John Garamendi (CA-08), Rick Crawford (AR-01), and Jimmy Panetta (CA-19) introduced the […]

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TTD Supports Letter from 680 Organizations Sent to Congress Calling for Clean CR, No Shutdown

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The Coalition on Human Needs and 680 local, state, and national groups delivered a message to Congress Tuesday: do your duty and keep government running.  The groups delivered a letter to every member of the House and Senate urging passage of a clean, bipartisan continuing resolution (CR), including “emergency funding that supports current services and addresses urgent […]

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TTD Supports Bipartisan Letter Urging FTA to Protect Public Transit Operators From Assault

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 WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Rob Menendez is leading a bipartisan coalition of 114 Members of Congress, urging the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) to immediately act on rulemaking required by the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST Act) to protect public transit operators from assault. The call to address America’s transit worker safety crisis is supported by the Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU), the […]

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High-speed rail is a huge opportunity for American workers

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Opinion Contributors Ray LaHood and Greg Regan for the Hill.

High-speed rail is coming to America, and working people should take notice.

The Biden Administration is planning to use funding from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to construct multiple high-speed rail lines. This is a very big deal for American workers.

In addition to transforming daily commutes, expanding access to affordable housing and helping win the fight against climate change, high-speed rail projects will create a whole new field of exciting work opportunities — and they’re already creating thousands of good union jobs today.

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LAS VEGAS, NV – On Friday, U.S. Senator Jacky Rosen (D-NV) held a press conference calling on the U.S. Department of Transportation to fund Nevada’s application for federal funding to construct the Brightline West high-speed rail project, which will boost Nevada’s tourism economy. She was joined by Brightline CEO Michael Reininger, Clark County Commissioner Michael Naft, […]

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TTD Supports Legislation to Evaluate the Impact of Automation on Workers, Strengthen Workforce Development Strategies

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WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Senator Gary Peters (MI) recently reintroduced bipartisan legislation that would better evaluate the impacts of automation on workers in order to inform workforce development strategies and best practices. The Workforce Data for Analyzing and Tracking Automation Act – which Peters reintroduced last Congress with U.S. Senator Todd Young (R-IN) – would authorize the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) […]

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TTD Supports Legislation to Improve Freight Rail Service for American Businesses

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WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senators Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) and Roger Marshall (R-KS) introduced the Reliable Rail Service Act to help address the unreliable service and high costs of rail shipping for American businesses. The legislation, which is supported by members of the agriculture industry, labor organizations, energy producers, and manufacturers, ensures the largest freight railroads provide American businesses […]

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TTD Supports American-Grown Commodities for International Food Aid

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WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, U.S. Representatives Tracey Mann (KS-01), John Garamendi (CA-08), Rick Crawford (AR-01), and Jimmy Panetta (CA-19) introduced legislation that would ensure that U.S.-grown commodities remain the cornerstone of international food aid. “America’s international food aid programs have enjoyed bipartisan support for more than 65 years because they are simple, effective, and they feed […]

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Washington, D.C. – Today, Congressman Mark DeSaulnier (CA-10), along with Congressman Drew Ferguson (R-GA), announced the introduction of bipartisan legislation to ensure fair labor standards are upheld by all airlines operating in the U.S. The Fair and Open Skies Act (H.R. 4021) would increase the United States Department of Transportation’s (DOT) powers to regulate unfair business practices from […]

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TTD Supports the Airline Employee Assault Prevention Act

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WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Congressmen Rob Menendez (D-NJ-08), Andrew Garbarino (R-NY-02), and John Garamendi (D-CA-08) introduced the Airline Employee Assault Prevention Act. This bipartisan legislation would protect passengers and land-side airline employees such as ticket agents and airport workers by fixing a jurisdictional issue that prevents the FAA from implementing plans that would provide assault protections. “Assault and […]

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