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Policy Statements

Protecting U.S. Aviation Workers in International Aviation Agreements

By Admin

As the United States seeks to enter into new and expanded international aviation agreements with our trading partners, it must be ensured that these agreements are balanced, legitimately promote U.S. aviation, and protect the interests and jobs of U.S. aviation workers.  While we support efforts to create additional international opportunities for U.S. carriers, these opportunities […]

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In Support of the Locked-Out ILWU Local 30 Members at Rio Tinto

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At 7 a.m. on January 31, 2010, foreign-owned Rio Tinto, the second largest mining company in the world, locked out nearly 600 members of ILWU Local 30 at its borax mine and plant in Boron, California.  This mega-mining conglomerate is trying to force an extremely concessionary contract ultimatum down the throats of Local 30’s members […]

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Reauthorize The Surface Transportation Bill In The 111th Congress

By Admin

The current surface transportation authorization, the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) expired on September 30.  Congress has passed an extension of the bill but it remains unclear whether a final six-year bill will be completed in this session.  Transportation labor believes it is essential that the 111th Congress […]

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Complete FAA Reauthorization This Year

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For over two years, Congress has been unable to complete work on the reauthorization of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).  Not only has this forced the FAA to operate under a series of seven short-term and inherently uncertain funding extensions, but these delays have left a number of critical safety, infrastructure and technology investments, and […]

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Implementing High Speed Rail Initiative

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Transportation labor has endorsed a broad agenda to rebuild and expand our national transportation system.  One of the priorities previously endorsed by the Executive Committee was passage of a robust economic stimulus bill that included massive new investments in transportation.  Transportation labor’s agenda was enacted, in part, with the infusion of $48 billion for transportation […]

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Protecting U.S. Aviation Jobs In International Joint Ventures

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One of the hallmarks of sound U.S. transportation policy is conditioning regulatory approval of certain corporate transactions and arrangements on protecting the rights and jobs of affected workers.  As a continuation of this policy, Congress must move to protect the jobs of aviation workers as U.S. carriers seek to utilize international joint venture arrangements to […]

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Surface Transportation Authorization: A Chance to Rebuild the Nation

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This year, Congress will consider surface transportation authorization legislation against a backdrop of dire investment needs and severe economic circumstances.  This legislation presents Congress and the President an opportunity to reverse years of severe underinvestment in our decaying transportation infrastructure and to create and sustain millions of good jobs. The American Society of Civil Engineers […]

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Hazmat Reauthorization: Ensuring the Safe, Secure and Efficient Transportation of Hazardous Materials

By Admin

The safe, secure and efficient transportation of hazardous materials throughout our country is critical due to the toxic and inherently dangerous nature of these substances.  Every day, there are 1.2 million movements of hazardous materials by rail, air, sea, waterways and highways and the volume will only increase.  It is therefore imperative that current hazmat […]

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FAA Reauthorization: Modernize the National Airspace System and Protect Aviation Workers

By Admin

Our nation’s aviation system is at a crossroads. Mergers, bankruptcies and so-called reorganizations have plagued the industry with workers and passengers too often bearing the brunt of reckless cost cutting, service and job cuts and short-sighted decisions by management.  The aviation workers we represent have been through a series of major setbacks – from the […]

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Expanding Our Transportation System and Infrastructure with U.S. Manufactured Goods

By Admin

With enactment of the economic recovery legislation, the nation is now embarking on a massive initiative to rebuild and expand our transportation system and infrastructure and create millions of jobs in a failing economy.  This major investment in America’s failing infrastructure also presents a historic opportunity to embrace strong Buy America policies that will grow […]

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