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Policy Statements

Improving the Safety of Air Transportation of Lithium Batteries

By Admin

Fire is the most serious threat to an aircraft in flight.  The situation is even more critical if the fire is of unknown origin or cannot be controlled.  As extensive testing and incident data have shown, lithium batteries have the potential to self-ignite or propagate a fire.  In order to ensure the safety of the […]

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Lasers: A Rising Threat to Aviation Safety

By Admin

While laser illuminations of aircraft have been a concern for more than a decade, the startling increase in reported incidents in the last year represents an escalating threat to aviation safety and should raise concerns in all modes of transportation.  The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) earlier this year announced that nationwide reports of lasers pointed […]

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Improving Aviation Security

By Admin

The failed terrorist attack on Christmas Day 2009 was a clear reminder that our aviation system remains a target of extremist aggression and that security procedures must continually be re-evaluated and evolve to meet emerging threats.  Aviation workers understand the security vulnerabilities that exist in our system and have been vocal advocates for closing known […]

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Congress Must Complete Long Overdue FAA Reauthorization This Year

By Admin

Over the last three years, Congress has been unable to complete work on a multi-year FAA Reauthorization bill and has had to pass a series of 15 short-term funding extensions.  Regrettably, this has delayed vital investments in air traffic control modernization and airports, implementation of critical safety and other policy reforms, and urgently needed jobs.  […]

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Protecting Workers as Passenger Rail is Expanded

By Admin

As states expand commuter rail and prepare for the implementation of high speed rail projects, these initiatives must create and sustain good jobs and comply with federal railroad statutes.  We reject efforts by states and private sector operators to structure their operations with the deliberate goal of evading federal rail laws and the protections they […]

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U.S.-China Aviation Trade Relationship

By Admin

Earlier this year, the U.S. government commenced negotiations over a new air services, or “open skies,” agreement with China which would lead to more liberalized commercial air traffic between the two countries.  These talks come on the heels of a new open skies agreement reached in March with the European Union (EU) that, among other […]

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Safe School Transportation at Odds with Inconsistent Rules and Inadequate Oversight

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Everyday 26 million students across America take a school bus to and from school and other activities.  The trips they take – 10 billion student trips per year – are an important part of a student’s school day and are too often overlooked among those responsible for delivering a quality education experience to America’s students.  […]

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Transportation Investments Create Jobs

By Admin

As our country faces the worst economic crisis in generations, it is clear that robust transportation investments by the federal government must be a central component of putting people back to work and restoring a badly weakened economy.  The official unemployment rate has struggled to stay below 10 percent with six million Americans out of […]

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Strengthening Federal Oversight of Rail Transit Operations

By Admin

Recent events point to the need for a strong federal role in ensuring the safe operation of our nation’s transit systems and particularly rail transit operations.  In the past year alone, train-to-train collisions in Boston, San Francisco, and Washington, D.C. have taken the lives of employees and passengers and left others critically injured.  Beyond these […]

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The U.S. Must Act Now to Combat Maritime Piracy

By Admin

The increasing threat posed by criminal acts of marine piracy requires an aggressive response from our government to protect the lives of American merchant mariners and maintain the stability and integrity of the U.S. maritime industry.  The United States-flag fleet contributes to the economic, political and military security of our nation, and it is incumbent […]

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