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Support for UMWA Patriot Campaign

By Admin

Last year Patriot Coal Company, a creation of Peabody Energy, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in an effort to exploit our legal code for financial gain by shedding responsibility for retiree health and pension obligations it inherited from Peabody and from Arch Coal. Unfortunately, using bankruptcy to get out of obligations to workers is not […]

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Options for Avoiding the Highway Trust Fund Cliff

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While Washington obsesses over the so-called “deficit crisis,” the reality is that America has a jobs and transportation infrastructure crisis, a product of decades of neglect and indifference by policymakers.  This crisis reaches into every sector of our transportation system and we are committed to its reversal. The most significant barrier to restoring America’s surface […]

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Sequestration Risks Our Economy and Transportation System

By Admin

As our economy remains on a slow path to recovery, obstructionists in Congress are poised to force sequestration – indiscriminate and reckless cuts in federal spending – that would take effect on March 1 in the absence of a congressional deal. The politicians are saying America needs a full economic recovery led by middle class […]

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PRIIA Reauthorization: Long-Term Investment in Amtrak and Middle-Class Jobs

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TTD member unions are committed to an integrated, multi-modal transportation system.  Based on public statements made in Congress, early in 2013 the House and Senate are poised to consider the reauthorization of the Passenger Rail Investment and Improvement Act (PRIIA), which provides an opportunity to advance a long-term plan for Amtrak and our national passenger […]

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Protecting U.S. Aviation Jobs in a Global Aviation Industry

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Today, international aviation and the role that U.S. carriers and their workers play in our air transportation system is at a crossroads.  While over 100 trade liberalization pacts, referred to as “open skies” agreements, already exist between the U.S. and various governments, new and expanded agreements are on the table.  In addition, the European Union […]

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Joining the Fight Against Human Trafficking

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Human trafficking is a worldwide problem with as many as 27 million women, men and children sold into prostitution, domestic servitude or other forced labor in dark corners across the globe.  While it is easy to think of this as a foreign issue, these atrocities are all too often committed on American soil.  Unfortunately, our […]

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Reforms to Strengthen U.S. Maritime Cargo Preference Laws

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U.S. government policy has long recognized the importance of a strong U.S. merchant marine to our national economy and global defense network.  These policies and laws reflect the changing dynamics of the global maritime system, and are designed to promote the health and viability of a privately owned U.S.-flag fleet and the maintenance of a […]

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Transportation Buy America Laws Must Be Strengthened

By Admin

As policy makers explore making significant investments in our nation’s transportation and infrastructure, it is critical that federal expenditures are leveraged to achieve the greatest possible economic impact and job growth.  Strong domestic content standards and improvements to Buy America laws will ensure that investments in our nation’s transportation infrastructure will sustain domestic manufacturing and […]

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Implement Common Sense Rules to Combat Fatigue for Flight Crews

By Admin

For workers in the aviation industry, like those in almost every sector of our transportation system, the issue of fatigue is of paramount concern.  Few factors have as direct and negative effect on aviation safety, security, and efficiency as a tired workforce. We know that regulatory requirements dealing with rest and duty periods for pilots […]

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An Epidemic of Aircraft Maintenance Outsourcing

By Admin

Recently, President Barack Obama – in a public event praising the company Master Lock for bringing jobs home from China – made a commitment to new policies that slow the pace of outsourcing in America.  This shift in policy is exactly what America needs if we are serious about rebuilding a middle class that for […]

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