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TTD Urges Support for Safe Freight Act

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Cosponsor H.R. 3040, the Safe Freight Act  Dear Representative: On behalf of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD), I urge you to cosponsor the Safe Freight Act (H.R. 3040).  Recently our 32-member Executive Committee unanimously endorsed this legislation, which bans the use of one-person train crews on our nation’s freight railroads. Just this summer in […]

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TTD Letter to New York and New Jersey Governors Regarding the Waterfront Commission of New York Harbor

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The Honorable Andrew M. Cuomo Governor of New York State NYS State Capitol Building Albany, NY  12224 The Honorable Chris Christie Governor of the State of New Jersey Office of the Governor P.O. Box 001 Trenton, NJ  08625 Dear Governors Cuomo and Christie: On behalf of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD) I urge you […]

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TTD Testifies on Mounting Pressures Facing Aviation Industry and its Workers Before Senate Subcommittee

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With trade liberalization policies taking hold around the world, our government – with appropriate congressional oversight – has the responsibility to promote the competitiveness of the U.S. aviation industry and protect the interests of its workforce. Specifically, the Administration must understand the land mines and pit falls of unscrupulous liberalization, protect against the outsourcing of critical safety and security work, oppose regulatory overreaches by foreign states, and provide stable and robust financing for our aviation infrastructure and workforce.

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Transportation Labor Joins the Jobs to Move America Coalition

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TTD’s Executive Committee has long taken the position that when our government invests in transportation infrastructure and rolling stock, these expenditures must be leveraged to achieve the greatest possible economic impact and U.S. job growth.  For this reason we have consistently and effectively advocated for the inclusion of strong Buy America provisions in federal transportation […]

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Maritime Security Program is Vital to America's Economy and Defense Readiness

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Since its establishment in 1996, the Maritime Security Program (MSP) has been critically important to our U.S.-flag fleet, its workforce and our nation’s defense readiness.  MSP is a shining example of a federal program that promotes our national security, improves our economic activity, and creates and sustains good-paying middle class jobs, all while saving billions […]

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Time to Close Intercity Bus Driver Loophole in Fair Labor Standards Act

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Too many intercity bus accidents are occurring across America due to chronically fatigued drivers who are exempted from federal overtime rules that encourage dangerously excessive hours.  About 50 people and 1,000 innocent passengers die annually in bus accidents.  We must do better by advancing common sense policy reforms that will make bus transportation safer for […]

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Mandate Two-Person Crews on Freight Trains

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Just four months ago in Quebec, a runaway train carrying 72 cars of crude oil killed 47 people and demolished the town of Lac-Megantic.  The accident occurred after a crew member, working alone, parked the train uphill from the town for the night.  Unmanned, the train rolled down the track and exploded.  Though the official […]

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Congress Must Pass WRDA and Reform Harbor Maintenance Spending

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In the past several months, both the House and the Senate have moved to reform and enhance spending on U.S. ports, harbors and waterways in an effort to reverse decades of neglect and to put thousands of construction workers back on the job.  TTD supports these funding reforms and the broader Water Resources and Development […]

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Time to End Sequestration

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Some in Congress believe that careening from one budget crisis to the next is the ‘new normal’ for the way our government functions.  The reckless sequestration mechanism of automatic budget cuts – agreed to in August 2011 – is a symbol of Washington’s dysfunction and now threatens the economy and vital federal programs and services.  […]

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It's Time to Improve Bus Driver Safety and Health

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Too often, our nation’s intercity bus drivers face unique health and safety challenges that are not being addressed by employers and policymakers at all levels.  Bus driver assaults are on the rise, causing unacceptably high rates of injury and worker anxiety.  Making this work even more stressful, many bus drivers are not provided enough time […]

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