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Transportation Security Officers Deserve Workplace Rights and Fairness

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Dear Representative: On behalf of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD), I urge you to support H.R. 903, the “Rights for the TSA Workforce Act of 2021” when it is considered during tomorrow’s Homeland Security Committee markup.

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Support H.R. 3095, the Fair and Open Skies Act

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Dear Representative: At tomorrow’s markup, the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee will consider H.R. 3095, the Fair and Open Skies Act. On behalf of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO, we urge you to vote YES on the bill. The Fair and Open Skies Act combats predatory flag of convenience air carriers who seek to fly to […]

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Transportation Security Officers Deserve Workplace Rights and Fairness

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Dear Representative: On behalf of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD), I urge you to support H.R. 903, the “Rights for the TSA Workforce Act of 2021” when it is considered during tomorrow’s Homeland Security Committee markup. Every day, thousands of Transportation Security Officers (TSOs) show up to work to keep our aviation system, mass […]

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TTD Opposes UP Brake Inspection Waiver

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On behalf of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD), I am pleased to respond to the Federal Railroad Administration’s request for comment on its petition for waiver of compliance from Union Pacific Railroad Company. TTD consists of 33 affiliate unions representing workers in all modes of transportation, including employees who operate trains and carmen who perform brake inspections. We therefore have a vested interest in this policy.

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Hands-On Training is Essential for Rail Safety

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Mr. Karl Alexy Associate Administrator for Railroad Safety & Chief Safety Officer Federal Railroad Administration 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE Washington DC, 20590 RE: UP Waiver of Compliance, Simulator Training Docket No. FRA-2021-0042 On behalf of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD), I am pleased to respond to the Federal Railroad Administration’s (FRA) request for […]

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TTD Calls for A Pro-Worker, Pro-Safety Regulatory Agenda

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On behalf of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD), I am pleased to respond to the Department of Transportation’s request for comment on its notice entitled Notification of Regulatory Review. TTD consists of 33 affiliate unions representing workers in all modes of transportation. We therefore have a vested interest in this policy.

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TTD Requests Extension of Comment Deadline on Brake Inspection Waiver Petition

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On behalf of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD), I am pleased to respond to FRA’s request for comment on the Petition for Waiver of Compliance submitted by Union Pacific Railroad Company. TTD consists of 33 affiliate unions representing workers in all modes of transportation, including rail workers who conduct pre-departure inspections, service, and operate trains. We therefore have a vested interest in this policy.

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TTD President Greg Regan Testifies at House Hearing: Congress Must Meet the Workforce and Safety Threats of Automated Vehicles in Legislation

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On behalf of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD), and our 33 affiliated unions, I want to thank Chair Schakowsky and Ranking Member Bilirakis for inviting me to participate in today’s hearing. I also want to acknowledge that, while not an affiliate of TTD’s, we have worked closely with the International Brotherhood of Teamsters on automated vehicle (AV) policy, and my testimony fairly characterizes our shared positions on this topic. Hundreds of thousands of union members face a future of technology-enabled change and their voices must be a part of any debate over the deployment of AV and other transportation technologies.

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Labor Principles for Autonomous Vehicle Legislation

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Autonomous vehicles (AVs) are often touted for their potential to increase safety, improve transportation access, produce environmental benefits, and create new American jobs in the manufacturing and technology sectors. Yet, for all the benefits touted by its cheerleaders, we too often overlook the serious impacts AVs will have on workers, safety, and equity if not properly regulated by the federal government. Reports estimate that as many as 3 million transportation workers may lose their jobs, face a severe degradation of their wages and bargaining power, or otherwise have their job functions fundamentally altered by self-driving vehicle technology.

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Transportation Labor Opposes Anti-Worker, Anti-Safety Automated Vehicles Proposal

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On behalf of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD) and our 33 affiliated unions, who together represent millions of workers across all sectors of the transportation industry, I urge you to oppose Senator Thune’s automated vehicles (AV) amendment to the Endless Frontier Act if he requests a vote in today’s committee markup.

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