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National Journal – Belt-Tightening? Hardly

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[As posted by Ed Wytkind in the National Journal] The budget cuts being imposed on the FAA for the remainder of the year, and the cascading effects the reckless sequester will have on air travel, are hardly akin to trimming a little fat. So let’s stop calling the sequestration a 2.5 percent “belt-tightening” for the FAA. […]

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National Journal—Buying American is So American

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[As posted by Ed Wytkind in the National Journal] What’s so complicated about spending American taxpayer dollars to put Americans to work? That’s the motivation behind our endorsement of policies that condition America’s investment in new streetcars, buses and rail cars on making those products here in America. Seriously, is there a poll that says […]

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The Hill-Ryan Budget Targets DOT, High-Speed Rail Funding

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[By Keith Laing of The Hill] The budget unveiled Tuesday by Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) would slash transportation spending in an effort to as part of an effort to cut federal spending by $5.7 trillion. The plan from Ryan, who is the chairman of the House Budget Committee, is intended to balance the federal budget by the […]

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Florida Coalition Against Human Trafficking – Transportation Unions Join Fight Against Human Trafficking

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[By Florida Coalition Against Human Trafficking] It was recently announced by the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO that they have joined the fight against human trafficking. This is amazing news since traffickers tend to use our Highways throughout the U.S to transport victims of labor trafficking and sex trafficking. We know that traffickers move their victim, from […]

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Huffington Post Blog – America, Let's Get Back to Work

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[As posted by Ed Wytkind in The Huffington Post] You probably don’t have to look beyond your own community to see the visible signs of a crumbling and over-crowded transportation system. And you probably don’t need to look further than your own family or close friends to find someone who is out of work. These […]

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The Hill–TSA, Amtrak Concessions Workers Unions Join AFL-CIO Trades Department

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[As posted by Keith Laing of The Hill] The unions for Transportation Security Administration (TSA) airport security screeners and Amtrak concession workers have joined the AFL-CIO’s Transportation Trades Department, the labor groups said Thursday. The TTD, which bills itself as the largest coalition of transportation unions, said the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) and […]

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Progressive Railroading – Labor leaders urge Congress to pass long-term Amtrak plan

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[By Progressive Railroading]   Leaders of the AFL-CIO transportation unions have called on Congress to establish a long-term strategy for Amtrak that will meet demands for growing ridership, invest in the railroad’s decaying equipment and network, protect workers’ rights and jobs, and reject “risky” privatization of key routes and services. The Transportation Trades Department AFL-CIO‘s (TTD) Executive Committee […]

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AIN Online—Union Demands More Oversight of Contract Maintenance

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[By Robert P. Mark of AIN Online] According to the Transportation Trades Department (TTD) of the AFL-CIO union, 70 percent of airline maintenance is conducted by outside contractors, and some of the most comprehensive work on transport aircraft “should be conducted only by Part 145 certified repair stations,” according to TTD president Edward Wytkind. His remarks were part of formal […]

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Politico—Advocates: Lautenberg Saved Lives

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[As posted by Kathryn Wolfe and Scott Wong in Politico] New Jersey Sen. Frank Lautenberg’s decision to retire at the end of his term hands transportation safety advocates their second piece of political bad news in recent months. Lautenberg, who chairs the Senate Commerce panel in charge of highways, transit, rail and maritime issues, said […]

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Politico—Transportation: Things to Watch in 2013

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[As posted by Kathryn Wolfe in Politico] Transportation and infrastructure funding has been in the spotlight post-Hurricane Sandy — but actually finding the money to invest in the nation’s roads, rails and bridges is another matter. The enormous open question is whether lawmakers can eventually find a solution to dwindling gas tax receipts needed to […]

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