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News in English—Air Authorities Slam Norwegian

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[As published by Emily Woodgate in News in English] A Civil Aviation Authority (Luftfartstilsynet) inspection at Norwegian Air has revealed 21 breaches of airline regulations and a staggering number of customer complaints. The damning report was another setback for the airline, which faces a blockade led by US airlines and unions and ongoing trouble with […]

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News in English—Air authorities slam Norwegian

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[As published by Emily Woodgate in News in English] A Civil Aviation Authority (Luftfartstilsynet) inspection at Norwegian Air has revealed 21 breaches of airline regulations and a staggering number of customer complaints. The damning report was another setback for the airline, which faces a blockade led by US airlines and unions and ongoing trouble with its […]

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NRK TV: TTD Urges DOT to Reject Norwegian Business Model

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[This is the translated version of the online article portion of this article, printed originally in Norwegian, and aired by the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK)] America’s Largest Union Will Refuse Norwegian to Fly to and From United States WASHINGTON / OSLO: America’s largest trade union, the AFL-CIO, will refuse Norwegian to fly to the United […]

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Video: Norwegian Must be Blocked From Scouring Globe for Cheap Labor

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This newscast of TTD President Edward Wytkind explaining why the U.S. Department of Transportation should reject a request by Norwegian Air Shuttle to fly to the U.S. with crew not subject to Norwegian labor laws, aired in Norway by Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation on January 8, 2014.

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Huffington Post—Rejecting Scrooge-like Transportation Budgets in 2014

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[As published by Edward Wytkind in the Huffington Post] Ebenezer Scrooge would love America’s approach to funding its transportation needs, but the miserly refusal by too many of our leaders to invest in transportation could haunt us for decades to come. That’s why our nation’s holiday wish list for 2014 must include a comprehensive vision […]

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Aviation Daily—Airline Globalization on Steroids

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[As published by Edward Wytkind in Aviation Daily] As the world’s air carriers battle over which will dominate the international marketplace, we must reject business models premised on scouring the globe for cheap labor no matter the consequences, and not pretend this is somehow acceptable competitive behavior. A perfect example is the operating scheme of […]

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Politico—Anthony Foxx: DOT Will Consider Banning Cell Phone Calls on Planes

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[As published by Kevin Robillard in Politico] The FCC took a step Thursday toward allowing cellphone calls in the air — but not before the Transportation Department announced it will consider using its own authority to ban them. The move sets up a future sought by many members of Congress and the traveling public: Airline […]

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Altoona Mirror—Don't Derail Amtrak: Poll Says Pennsylvanians Want it Funded

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[As published by Edward Wytkind and John Previsich in the Nov. 24 Altoona Mirror] In the first half of the 20th century, the Pennsylvania Railroad was the most heavily traveled railroad in the United States, and at one point it was the largest publicly traded corporation in the world. Times have changed, but Pennsylvanians, including those […]

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CQ—Airlines, Unions Back Effort to Thwart Customs Facility in Abu Dhabi

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[As published by Nathan Hurst in CQ Roll Call] U.S. airlines and the unions for the carriers’ employees are lining up behind legislation that would bar the Homeland Security Department from opening a U.S. customs facility at the airport in Abu Dhabi until a study on its impact can be completed. At issue are claims […]

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The Hill—Kentucky Poll Shows Amtrak Support

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A poll conducted by a transportation union found that 58 percent of voters in Kentucky have a favorable opinion of Amtrak. The poll, which was conducted by the Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation (SMART) union, found voters in Kentucky supported Amtrak by a 58percent to 10 percent margin, despite the rail company having few […]

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