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Press Releases and Statements

Reform Bill Would Stop Wasteful DHS Spending That Threatens U.S. Airline Competitiveness

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Middle-Class U.S. Airline Jobs at Risk WASHINGTON, DC—Edward Wytkind, president of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD) issues this statement on the Meehan-DeFazio bill to stop wasteful spending by the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) on pre-clearance facilities that disadvantage U.S. airlines and undermine middle-class jobs. “We strongly support […]

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New Transportation Manufacturing Coalition Targets Job Creation for Veterans

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WASHINGTON, DC—On this Veterans Day, the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD) unites with its 32 member unions to honor those Americans who make sacrifices every day in service to the nation—the active duty military and veterans. Upon coming home or ending their service, these men and women face the challenge of finding good-paying jobs in […]

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TTD: Strengthen Overtime Protections for Bus Drivers, Protect Drivers from Assaults

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WASHINGTON, DC—The Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD) pledged today to push government authorities to combat the epidemic of bus driver assaults across America and to close a loophole in federal law that denies overtime pay to intercity bus drivers. “It is intolerable that too many of these intercity buses are run like sweatshops on wheels, […]

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Transportation Labor Joins Jobs to Move America Coalition

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Transportation Procurements Must Maximize U.S. Job Creation WASHINGTON, DC—The Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD) is officially partnering with the Jobs to Move America Coalition, a group that brings together labor and non-labor advocacy groups to pursue rail car and bus procurement policies that boost American manufacturing jobs. The coalition, led by Los Angeles-based LAANE, brings […]

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Transportation Labor Takes Dead Aim at Airline Operating Schemes That Scour Globe for Cheap Labor

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Calls for Global Airline Emissions Policy, Rigorous Oversight of Contracted Out Airline Security Operations WASHINGTON, DC—The Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO, (TTD) vows to combat airlines that ‘forum shop’ for cheap labor and evade collective bargaining obligations, and to oppose European Union proposals on aviation climate change in favor of a ‘balanced’ global solution. Transportation union […]

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TTD Urges Investment in Harbors and Ports, Full Funding for Maritime Security Program

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WASHINGTON, DC—The Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD) and its 32 affiliated unions today urged Congress to invest in our nation’s military and economic security, and separately in our harbors and waterways, through the Maritime Security Program (MSP) and the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA). “Transportation unions today put their support behind efforts to boost languishing […]

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Transportation Unions Call For Federally Mandated Two-Person Crews on Freight Trains

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WASHINGTON, DC—The Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD) today endorsed a federal mandate that requires at least a two-person crew on U.S. freight trains. “Just four months ago in Quebec Canada we saw firsthand why the federal government must act now to mandate two-person crews on freight trains as a safety precaution,” said TTD President Edward […]

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House Got the Message: Job-Creating Infrastructure Investments are Bipartisan

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WASHINGTON, DC—Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD) President Edward Wytkind issues this statement on passage of H.R.3080, the Water Resources Reform and Development Act (WRRDA,) by a vote of 417-3: “The House of Representatives took a big step forward last night when it passed WRRDA by more than 400 votes, bringing us closer to enacting the […]

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TTD Honors School Bus Drivers During Safety Week, Announces December Summit

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WASHINGTON, DC—The Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD) joins the rest of the nation this week in thanking the men and women dedicated to transporting children to and from school during National School Bus Safety Week. In recognition of the challenges faced by school bus drivers, today TTD is announcing it will host a School Bus […]

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New SMART Poll Shows Americans Want to Ride Amtrak

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[As issued by SMART-TD Oct. 10] Political Party Labels Aside, Americans Want to Ride Amtrak Research Shows Strong Majority Favor Federal Funding of Amtrak   WASHINGTON — New polling shows that Americans across the ideological spectrum support more public funding of Amtrak passenger rail service. “We polled people who mostly do not live in large […]

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