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Press Releases and Statements

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Legacy Inspires Us to Fight for an America that Works for Everyone

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Washington, DC—Edward Wytkind, president of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD), issues this statement as the nation honors Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.: “As we pause today to celebrate the life and leadership of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., we are reminded of his devotion to creating economic opportunities for all individuals, especially women and […]

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TTD’s Wytkind Honored with City of Justice Award

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 LOS ANGELES, CA — Today TTD President Edward Wytkind receives the prestigious City of Justice Award from the Los Angeles Alliance for a New Economy (LAANE). Wytkind is being honored for more than two decades of work as a national expert and advocate for economic justice and increased investment in America’s transportation systems and infrastructure. […]

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“Cromnibus” Includes Important Provision Ensuring U.S. Rejects Flag of Convenience Airlines

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WASHINGTON, D.C.—TTD President Edward Wytkind issued the following statement today about the proposed government funding bill: “Norwegian Air International’s (NAI) attempt to introduce a job-killing ‘flag of convenience’ model in the U.S. aviation market suffered another blow today. Despite lobbying efforts by NAI, Congress included language in the proposed FY 2015 spending bill that ensures […]

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Legislation Strengthens Cargo Preference Laws, Helps Veterans Enter U.S. Mariner Workforce

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WASHINGTON, D.C.—TTD President Edward Wytkind issued the following statement today on the Howard Coble Guard and Maritime Transportation Act of 2014: “We are pleased that congressional negotiators have reached an agreement on the Coast Guard’s 2014 Reauthorization bill and urge the House and Senate to approve this legislation before Congress adjourns for the year. This […]

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U.S. and European Transport Unions Step Up Campaign to Derail NAI Flag of Convenience Scheme

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Joint Declaration Released on Eve of U.S.-EU Joint Committee Meeting   Washington, D.C. – Transportation union leaders from the United States and Europe met today to discuss Norwegian Air International (NAI)’s application for a foreign air carrier permit, which is currently under review by the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT). The American and European labor […]

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Transportation Unions Assess Elections, Formulate 2015 Strategies

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Host Senator Carper and White House, DOT Officials   Washington, D.C. – Transportation union leaders vowed to “redouble their efforts” to push for bipartisan solutions to the growing transportation infrastructure investment crisis that is undermining the economy and idling millions of jobs, said TTD President Edward Wytkind following the 2014 Fall Executive Committee meeting of […]

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Statement by Edward Wytkind on the Midterm Election Results

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WASHINGTON, D.C.—Edward Wytkind, president of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD), issued the following statement today regarding the results of the 2014 midterm elections: “Last night, voters had a chance to express their views on the state of our politics and our country. They doled out low grades to almost everyone. With that in mind, […]

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Uphold the Voice Call Ban on Commercial Flights

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WASHINGTON, D.C.—Edward Wytkind, president of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD), issued the following statement today regarding a letter sent by 77 members of Congress to Secretary of Transportation Anthony Foxx, Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson, Attorney General Eric Holder, and Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Tom Wheeler: “Today, 77 members of […]

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TTD Applauds Amtrak Reauthorization Approved by Transportation & Infrastructure Committee

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WASHINGTON, D.C.—Edward Wytkind, president of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD), issued the following statement today about the consideration of the Passenger Rail Reform and Investment Act of 2014 (PRRIA) by the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee: “Today’s approval by the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee of the Passenger Rail Reform and Investment Act of 2014 […]

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House to Designate James L. Oberstar Highway and Byway

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WASHINGTON, D.C.—Edward Wytkind, president of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD), issued the following statement today regarding the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee’s move to mark up H.R. 4926, a bill to designate the “James L. Oberstar Memorial Highway” and the “James L. Oberstar National Scenic Byway” in the State of Minnesota: “Throughout his long […]

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