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Letters To Congress

TTD Supports Passage of WRDA 2020

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On behalf of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD), I urge you to act to pass the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) of 2020 during the remaining days of the 116th Congress. This legislation provides funding for critical water infrastructure projects, invests in our ports and harbors, and supports thousands of middle class jobs.

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Cosponsor S. 4860, the Railroad Unemployment Equity and Fairness Act

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Dear Senator: We are writing to you to ask you to support the “Railroad Unemployment Equity and Fairness Act (“REEF Act”), S. 4860, sponsored by Senator Rob Portman (R-OH) and Amy Klobuchar (D-MN).

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Union Leaders Urge Immediate Passage of H.R. 8504

By Admin

As the representatives of millions of essential workers who have put their lives on the line to work through the pandemic, we urge you to immediately pass H.R. 8504, introduced by Transportation and Infrastructure Chairman Peter DeFazio, which extends the airline worker Payroll Support Program (PSP).

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Transportation Labor Leaders Demand Economic Relief

By Admin

As the elected leaders of labor organizations who represent transportation workers across every segment of the industry, we urge you to use this September congressional session to pass an economic relief package that our nation and frontline working people urgently need. As we commemorated Labor Day last week, it was a reminder of the vital role that frontline workers have played in steering us through this public health and economic crisis. In the public sector and private sector, everywhere from hospitals to grocery stores, working people are putting themselves at risk for the benefit of all. Transportation workers have been at the center of these efforts, making sure that the goods and people that keep our country healthy get where they need to be. Now these workers, and the broader economy, need your help. It would simply be unacceptable to close this fiscal year without enacting substantial, worker-centric economic relief legislation.

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TTD Supports Inclusion of Tanker Security Program in NDAA

By Admin

On behalf of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO, I urge you to cosign a letter being circulated by Representatives Alan Lowenthal (D-CA) and Chris Smith (R-NJ) urging the House and Senate Armed Services Committees to ensure that language critical to both the domestic maritime industry and national security is retained in the FY’ 21 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).

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TTD Supports Passage of the Delivering for America Act

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On behalf of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD), I strongly urge you to vote in favor of the Delivering for America Act (H.R. 8015) when it is considered on the floor. This legislation would provide $25 billion in relief to mitigate the disastrous financial impacts COVID-19 has had on the United States Postal Service (USPS). Passage of this bill is essential to ensuring full operations of the Postal Service at the level relied on and required by the American public.

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Public Transit Agencies, Advocates, and Labor Join in Call for $32 Billion in Emergency Federal Aid from Congress

By Admin

Dear Speaker Pelosi, Leader McConnell, Leader McCarthy, and Leader Schumer: On behalf of the millions of Americans who rely on public transportation every day, the 435,000 frontline workers who operate and maintain those systems, and the public transportation agencies that serve communities across America, we urge you to include at least $32 billion in funding for public transportation in the next COVID-19 emergency response bill.

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Support Amtrak and its Workforce in COVID-19 Relief Package

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Dear Speaker Pelosi, Leader McConnell, Leader McCarthy, and Leader Schumer: As Congress continues to negotiate the terms of its next COVID-19 relief package, we call on you to include emergency supplemental funding to preserve Amtrak, the critical services it provides, and the livelihoods of its employees. Similar to other modes of passenger transportation, Amtrak has seen ridership fall as much as 95% on certain routes over the course of the pandemic. In response, Congress wisely provided critical financial assistance to the carrier through the CARES Act.

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Support Aviation Workers and Extend the Payroll Support Program

By Admin

Dear Senator: On behalf of the undersigned labor organizations representing aviation employees, we urge you to include a clean extension of the airline Payroll Support Program (PSP) in the next phase of COVID-19 relief legislation.

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Support Aviation Workers; Sign Letter Urging Extension of Payroll Support Program

By Admin

Dear Representative: On behalf of the undersigned labor organizations, we urge you to sign the bipartisan letter being led by Reps. Peter DeFazio, Brian Fitzpatrick, Rick Larsen, John Katko, Sharice Davids, Karen Bass, and Rodney Davis. The letter asks House and Senate leadership to include an extension of the airline Payroll Support Program (PSP) in the next COVID-19 response legislation passed by Congress.

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