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The Year of Accountability?

With the new Congress now firmly in place and working (well, sort of), the first couple of months of 2015 have been fascinating as politicians stake out new ground and rehash old positions. But if I had my 15 minutes of fame sitting in the corner offices of Senate and House leadership, I’d make the case that accountability must be their preeminent goal this year.

Why? Because those of us who believe America must get back to building modern and advanced transportation infrastructure haven’t seen any movement on Capitol Hill despite the fact that our views align with those of most voters. The inability of voters to hold lawmakers accountable for their inaction has left us in a fix: our transportation infrastructure is decaying and millions of jobs are idling, all at a time when the wage gap in America is expanding and the middle class is shrinking.

I may not have that corner office in the Capitol, but voters effectively do — or should. It’s up to all of us to speak up and make sure that those in Congress know that we have noticed that our transportation system is crumbling, and we won’t stand for it. And it’s up to those in Congress to pay attention and get beyond the speeches.

Read the rest on The Huffington Post.