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Anthony Foxx Gets it Right: Transportation is key to upward mobility

The ability to lead a middle-class lifestyle is about having access to resources — including good jobs, good schools, nutritious food, adequate medical care and fair housing. Secretary of Transportation Anthony Foxx recently hit the nail on the head when he pointed out in a recent blog post that transportation is crucial to connecting people with the tools and resources they need to better their lives.

In his post, titled “Safe Mobility supports Social Mobility,” Foxx writes: Transportation […] can help lift people into the middle class and reconnect and revitalize communities. But this does not happen automatically. In some cases, our routes of transportation have put up walls between haves and have-nots, or they’ve jeopardized safety.

We couldn’t agree more. That’s why we’re proud to stand with Foxx. By lobbying on behalf of our 32 affiliated unions for policies that keep transportation and infrastructure funded, we help create and protect strong, middle-class jobs, fight for the rights of working people and ensure our transportation systems and infrastructure are modern, safe and secure.

Read Foxx’s full post here.