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Labor Day Must be Much More Than a One-Day Celebration

Washington, DC — The following statement was issued by Edward Wytkind, president of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD), in advance of the Labor Day holiday:

“For far too long, our country has distanced itself from the true meaning of Labor Day. Labor Day can’t be just another federal holiday – it must be a celebration of the contributions of working people, and a commitment by elected officials to advance policies that help working families.

“For generations, the United States has been a place that honors hard work, respects the need for balance between the responsibilities of a job and family and empowers its people to pursue the American dream. That empowerment has come from the simple notion that working people can come together to form strong unions and bargain collectively for fair wages, good benefits and safe working conditions.

“Sadly, these values are being undermined by brutal attacks on the jobs and rights of working people by well-funded special interests. Even worse, these sinister forces have the backing of many public officials at the highest levels of government who are leading the charge down this dangerous and unsustainable path.

“We have come to a tipping point in this country. Our middle class is shrinking and the people we elect are failing to advance common sense policies — like funding transportation infrastructure — that for decades have fueled prosperity, boosted American competitiveness and expanded the middle class.

“We will use this Labor Day as a springboard to demand more from public officials, so that America is once again a place that honors working people every day, not just on the first Monday in September.”