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Ed Wytkind Discusses Aviation Security on Heartland Labor Forum Radio

TTD President Ed Wytkind joined Heartland Labor Forum radio this week to discuss TTD’s fight for security improvements at foreign aircraft repair stations.

In a Senate Commerce Committee hearing on transportation security last month, Sen. Claire McCaskill voiced her concerns over “a gaping hole” in our nation’s aviation security—specifically, TSA’s lack of oversight and regulation of foreign aircraft repair stations.

Few Americans realize that the planes we fly on are often maintained, repaired, and cared for in one of over 700 repair stations located in foreign countries, including places that are listed by the State Department as known havens for terrorists. Employee background checks, drug and alcohol testing, and routine station inspections are basic security measures in place at every aircraft repair station in the United States. But as Ed noted, neglecting these precautions at foreign repair stations has created a double-standard that places passengers and aviation professionals at risk.

“We are not telling foreign countries they are not allowed to get in the business of aviation maintenance,” said Ed Wytkind. “What we are saying is that if you are going to get the seal of approval of our government as an FAA-certified facility, then you are going to have to comply with all the rules here in America.”

Listen to the show to learn more about what TTD is doing to improve the security standards for foreign aircraft repair stations.