U.S. freight railroad workers have been bargaining for a new national contract with U.S. freight railroads for nearly three years. These workers have not had a pay increase since 2019. Still, they performed heroic work during the pandemic to keep the supply chain functioning so food, medicine, and other essential goods could get where they needed to go. Since 2015, seven major railroad companies made $146 billion in net profits off the backs off these workers. That’s the most money they’ve ever made in the history of railroading — even more than the Gilded Era railroad robber barons. During this same time period, the companies eliminated 45,000 jobs from the industry.
Instead of recognizing the value of these workers, the companies have enacted massive job cuts and offered the remaining workers a net pay cut and worse health care benefits than they have now. This is unacceptable.
The livelihoods of 115,000 workers across the country are at stake. Will you stand with us in this fight? These workers need your support and solidarity.
If you’re a person who supports fairness and dignity for our rail workers, add your name in support of rail workers HERE.
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