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Vote No on the Ryan Budget Resolution


Vote No on the Ryan Budget Resolution 

Dear Representative:

I urge you to vote against the Budget Resolution (H. Con. Res. 25) offered by Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan as it proposes radical cuts to our transportation system and puts in jeopardy hundreds of thousands of American jobs.

This latest edition of the Ryan budget, just like the two that came before it, threatens the economy at a time when the pace of job creation is still too slow.  This resolution establishes shamefully low tax rates for the super-wealthy while simultaneously slashing services that our most vulnerable citizens and seniors depend on.  This budget also locks in woefully inadequate levels of spending for our mounting transportation needs which in turn will leave millions of jobs on the sidelines. 

To propose sweeping cuts to our transportation system in today’s economic climate is unthinkable.  Investments in transportation and infrastructure are proven to foster growth, increase productivity, create middle-class jobs and make America more competitive in the global economy.

A recent Congressional Budget Office analysis shows that this budget would decimate transit and highway spending, especially after the current MAP-21 authorization expires in FY 2015.  High-speed rail funding would be completely eliminated, a move that is both short-sighted and appears based entirely on a political axe to grind with the current Administration.  We also reject the claim made in this budget that the job-creating potential of transportation investments has somehow been “oversold.” 

We are also disappointed that the Ryan budget slashes our federal workforce by 10 percent over the next two years.  It is irresponsible to punish hardworking federal employees, including workers who both operate and maintain, and ensure the safety of our ground and air transportation systems, for Washington’s political gridlock and inaction.

On behalf of transportation labor, I urge you to vote no on H. Con. Res. 25 and instead pass a budget that recognizes the importance of transportation and infrastructure investments, creates middle-class jobs and rejects damaging cuts to our public health programs.

Edward Wytkind

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