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Improve Oversight for Foreign Aircraft Repair

Please Support Michaud Amendment to Strengthen
Oversight of Aircraft Foreign Repair Stations

Dear Representative:

As the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee prepares to mark up the FAA Reauthorization and Reform Act of 2011, (H.R. 658) we urge you to vote in support of an amendment offered by Representative Michaud that would strengthen oversight of aircraft foreign repair stations.  

We have long argued that the FAA certifies foreign aircraft repair stations without holding these facilities to the same standards that are imposed on U.S.-based repair stations.  Domestic repair stations are routinely inspected by FAA inspectors while foreign repair stations are not subject to the same level of oversight.  Representative Michaud’s amendment would address this safety concern by requiring foreign repair stations to be inspected at least twice a year by FAA inspectors.

In contrast, H.R. 658 does not mandate biannual inspections of aircraft repair stations abroad.  It establishes a risk-based oversight system that will further reduce FAA inspections for many repair stations abroad.  Some argue that the U.S. should turn over inspections of FAA certified facilities to foreign civil aviation authorities.  Simply stated, there is no substitute for direct FAA oversight of work performed on U.S. aircraft.  FAA inspectors should be involved in the oversight process to ensure a higher level of safety for work performed on U.S. aircraft.

Representative Michaud’s amendment will strengthen critical oversight of foreign aircraft facilities and help ensure that maintenance work being performed on U.S. aircraft is carried out safely.  Again, transportation labor urges you to support this amendment when it is considered in Committee mark-up.  Please contact me directly or TTD Legislative Representative Mia Clarkson at 202/628-9262 if you have any questions or need additional information.


Edward Wytkind

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