CONTACT:Michael Buckley
Washington, D.C. Edward Wytkind, President of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO, issued the following statement today in reaction to U.S. House passage of the Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users.
“Today’s vote in the House sets the stage for putting millions of Americans to work and rebuilding and expanding our nation’s surface transportation system. It is a strong step toward badly-needed improvements in both the safety and efficiency of transportation in this country.
“The overwhelming vote (417-9) is a reflection that millions of Americans and businesses spend their days stuck in traffic jams or yearning for more and better public transportation services. And it recognizes the need to put people back to work, as every $1 billion invested in transportation infrastructure supports 47,000 jobs.
“As the Senate prepares to consider this bill, our elected officials must not only act swiftly, but they also must not succumb to misguided veto threats coming out of the White House. A veto of this bill would turn a cold shoulder to our nation’s unmet transportation and job needs.
“Transportation workers, and indeed the nation, owe a debt of gratitude to House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Don Young, Ranking Member James Oberstar and countless lawmakers on both sides of the aisle for leading the fight to put Americans to work and improve our nation’s transportation system.”
TTD represents 35 member unions in the aviation, rail, transit, trucking, highway, longshore, maritime and related industries. For more information, visit
Transportation Labor Lauds House Passage of Highway/Transit Jobs Bill