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Senator Daniel K. Inouye: War Hero and Middle Class Champion

WASHINGTON, DC—Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD) President Edward Wytkind issues the following statement:

“Transportation labor joins the people of Hawaii and the entire nation in mourning the death and honoring the life of Senator Daniel K. Inouye, a war hero and champion of the middle class.

“For more than five decades transportation workers could count on Senator Inouye to defend their jobs and rights. The Senator always advocated for increased investments in our transportation system and jobs, and aggressively led on policy initiatives that make our nation the world leader in the safe and efficient movement of goods and people.

“The Senator’s unyielding view that Congress should give voice to everyone, not just the privileged, will forever define the legacy of this truly remarkable leader. And he did so with a deep sense of humility and kindness. We will always remember and be inspired by the compassion and decency that defined Senator Inouye’s career in public life.”


The Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO, represents 31 member unions in the aviation, rail, transit, motor carrier, highway, longshore, maritime and related industries. For more information, visit us at or on Facebook and Twitter.

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