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Policy Statements

The Bargaining Rights of Aviation and Rail Workers Under Siege

By Admin

Under the Bush Administration, the National Mediation Board (NMB or the Board), has systematically failed to protect the rights of workers in the aviation and rail industries to organize and bargain collectively.  For airline and rail workers, the Bush NMB legacy will forever be a symbol of the importance of presidential elections and government appointees […]

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Eliminate Redundant Background Checks for Transportation Workers

By Admin

As the federal government moves to enroll thousands of maritime workers in the Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC) program, redundant state background checks and worker credentials must now be eliminated.  The TWIC program was created by Congress in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks to better secure our nation’s seaports and maritime vessels as part […]

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Include All Workers Displaced by Federal Trade Policies in the Trade Adjustment Assistance Program

By Admin

It is simply outrageous that transportation workers adversely affected by bad trade deals and reckless moves to outsource have been systemically denied benefits provided by the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) program.  The TAA program was created in 1962 and was designed to provide retraining, reemployment assistance, and income support to workers who lose their jobs […]

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Airline Flight Crew Must be Covered Under the Family Medical Leave Act

By Admin

Due to an anomaly in the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) many workers in the airline industry have been unintentionally excluded from receiving protections provided for by this landmark legislation.  Since 1993, millions of American workers needing to address serious family or medical issues have found job protection and security through the FMLA.  Under this […]

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Cross-Border Transportation Programs Put the Public at Risk

By Admin

Since the early days of the Bush Administration, the President has sought to grant Mexico-domiciled motor carriers unfettered access to U.S. highways.  In pursuing this policy through a recent “pilot program,” the Administration has ignored the safety and security threats posed by allowing poorly regulated and virtually un-inspected trucks to enter unencumbered onto American highways.  […]

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Fairness for Amtrak Workers

By Admin

After eight years of stonewalling by Amtrak management, nine unions were able to reach tentative collective bargaining agreements with the company on January 18, 2008.  With the remaining unions at Amtrak reaching similar agreements with the company, Congress must now ensure that the passenger carrier has sufficient funding to meet its contractual obligations to its […]

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Defending Against Airline Mergers that Harm Workers, Passengers and Communities

By Admin

Congress and our Government must protect the public interest as the major airlines threaten to launch another era of mergers and consolidations.  Transportation labor is deeply concerned that a new wave of mergers could cascade into a massive restructuring that harms workers, passengers and the air transportation needs of communities across the nation. While news […]

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Misguided Efforts to Outsource Postal Service Work Must Be Stopped

By Admin

Across all modes of transportation, workers have witnessed a dangerous trend to outsource and privatize key government functions at the expense of good jobs, safety and security, and the efficient and reliable delivery of basic services.  Unfortunately, the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) is not immune from this ideological effort.  Too often, it has attempted to […]

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Reject Congressional Cuts on Overtime and Pension Earnings of Public Transportation Workers

By Admin

As Congress struggles to fund our nation’s mass transit systems, efforts to cut workers’ pay and limit pension payments as a condition of receiving federal funds must be defeated.  Specifically, legislation to fund the Washington D.C.’s mass transit system – the Washington Metro Area Transit Authority (WMATA) – was amended to cap overtime pay and […]

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Time to Rebuild America's Transporation System and Infrastructure

By Admin

Americans depend on a modern and safe transportation system and infrastructure to transport goods and people and to keep the economy strong.  Recent catastrophic failures show how tenuously the national system functions when under-funded and neglected by the federal government.  In 2005, Americans recoiled in horror as Louisiana levy failures inundated New Orleans with floodwaters […]

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