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Policy Statements

The Vital Role of Maritime Transportation In Our Economy

By Admin

A strong and viable maritime industry and U.S.-flag fleet is critical to America’s economic and national security interests.  America’s longshoremen and mariners serve a unique role acting as an economic driver in transporting domestic and international cargo, while providing safe and secure transport of humanitarian food aid and military supplies and personnel during times of […]

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Pass the President's Transportation Jobs Plan

By Admin

In September, President Obama renewed his commitment to job creation with the introduction of the American Jobs Act.  The transportation and infrastructure provisions in the bill would build on the President’s legacy of using investments in transportation as important pillars of his economic policy.  At a time of continuing high unemployment this plan would put […]

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Defending Federal Workers and Protecting the U.S. Postal Service

By Admin

Congress must end the unprecedented attacks on the rights, jobs, wages and retirement security of federal employees including thousands who directly support and work in our transportation system.  Not only do these relentless legislative assaults unfairly target workers simply because of their profile as public sector employees, but they undermine vital infrastructure and services that […]

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Implementation of Positive Train Control Will Make Railroads Safer

By Admin

One of the most important enhancements to rail safety is the timely implementation of Congressionally mandated positive train control (PTC) systems that will prevent collisions and save lives.  Despite the numerous documented benefits of this technology, our nation’s rail companies continue to resist timely implementation of this life saving technology.  Although the current language in […]

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Executive Committee Statement of Support for Transportation Security Officers and AFGE

By Admin

Transportation Security Officers are on the front lines of ensuring a safe and secure aviation system in America.  They are the eyes and ears of our airport security system and they deserve a strong union voice on the job insisting on proper staffing, comprehensive training and adequate resources necessary to perform these vitally important jobs.  […]

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Congress Must Complete A Multi-Year FAA Reauthorization Bill

By Admin

The aviation system plays a critical role in our national economy.  It employs millions of workers both directly and indirectly; it generates nearly $900 billion in economic activity annually; and it is responsible for 9 percent of our GDP.  As stewards of our aviation network, Congress and the Administration have a responsibility to advance federal […]

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Further Delay of Surface Transportation Reauthorization Threatens the Economy

By Admin

The President and Congress should work together to pass a robust surface transportation bill into law.  This reauthorization will define our national surface transportation priorities and play a critical role in boosting economic growth, increasing prosperity and creating good jobs in transportation, construction and manufacturing.  After several extensions of the expired authorizing legislation over the […]

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Amtrak's Role As the Nation's High Speed Passenger Railroad

By Admin

Amtrak plays an essential role in our national transportation network.  The time to invest in the railroad’s operating and capital needs, support its skilled and dedicated employees, and ensure that our national passenger rail carrier plays a central role in delivering on the promise of high-speed rail is now.  We are heartened by President Obama’s […]

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Mass Transit Systems Need Spending Flexibility to Avoid Damaging Service and Job Cuts

By Admin

Transit systems in hundreds of communities face a crisis fueled by the devastating recession, the budget cutting it inspired and inaction in Washington on a long-term surface transportation reauthorization bill.  Transit providers of all sizes – urban, suburban and rural – have already slashed service and jobs and many more are executing major plans to […]

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A Strong Maritime Industry Creates American Jobs and Protects America's Security

By Admin

A vibrant maritime industry capable of accommodating growing cargo demand and sustaining U.S. jobs is integral to both our economic recovery and nation’s security interests.  Recently, the industry has suffered from a combination of ideological attacks on labor, imprudent budget cuts, inadequate port investments, and misinterpretations of cargo preference requirements.  It is imperative that policymakers […]

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