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Policy Statements

Upholding Pilot Training, Qualification, and Experience Requirements and Strengthening Aviation Safety

By Admin

The years leading up to 2010 were a challenging time for commercial aviation. The industry had suffered from four high profile fatal airline crashes in six years, the most recent on February 12, 2009, when a Colgan Air regional flight crashed in Clarence, NY, killing all of the passengers and crew on board plus one […]

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Honoring the Service, Vision and Leadership of Edward Wytkind

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The Executive Committee of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD), salutes and honors Edward Wytkind for his visionary leadership, dedication to the labor movement, and more than 20 years of service to the millions of men and women who work on the frontlines of our nation’s transportation system. Today, TTD is a leader in the […]

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Automation in Transportation

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Working people are living in a time when it is more and more difficult to make ends meet. Wages are stagnant, and the jobs created during the slow economic recovery are doing little to reduce inequality in the workplace. Meanwhile, attacks on unionization, offshoring, employee misclassification, convoluted corporate structures and technological change are threatening the […]

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Historic Opportunity to Strengthen and Enforce Buy America Rules

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Transportation unions have long believed that our federal policies should incentivize the use of public transportation funds to maximize U.S. job creation and revive what became a moribund transportation manufacturing sector. It is why we have pushed successfully for stronger domestic content, or Buy America, rules. It is also why we have waged an aggressive […]

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Cargo Preference: U.S. Merchant Marine Critical to a Strong National Defense

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The U.S.-flag international commercial fleet has long served the nation, operating as a naval auxiliary during times of war and as an economic tool for maintaining domestic and international waterborne commerce. To meet these strategic objectives, Congress has long required that government-impelled cargo – or preference cargo – be carried on U.S.-flag oceangoing vessels that […]

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Reforms Needed to Protect Frontline Airline Customer Service Agents From Assault

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In February of 2016 the TTD Executive Committee called for federal lawmakers to pass new policies that combat the rapid and troubling rise in violent assaults on airline customer service agents (CSAs). The Executive Committee recommended a multifaceted approach that included a change in federal law to ensure that all CSAs are covered by the […]

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Standing Up For Middle Class Freight Rail Jobs

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The freight railroads have played a critical role in our national freight network and economy, serving as a major driver of job creation and economic expansion. That is why transportation labor has always fought for smart policies that ensure this industry remains strong and continues to support middle class jobs. Some of the policies we […]

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A Transportation Infrastructure Agenda That Expands the Economy and Creates Jobs

By Admin

During a time of historic partisanship, many issues divide the nation and our Congress. Infrastructure should not be one of those issues. From the last presidential campaign to the present day, it is clear that both the American people and many of our elected leaders understand the need to solve a generation of self-inflicted transportation […]

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Reject Attacks on Official Time For Federal Employees

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On Wednesday, March 8th the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform approved the Official Time Reform Act of 2017 (H.R. 1364) which was introduced by Rep. Jody Hice (R-GA). This misguided legislation would penalize those who agree to serve as employee representatives by reducing pension accrual, and is the most recent in a long […]

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Right-to-Work Laws Destroy Jobs and Wages

By Admin

Far too many politicians talk a good game about supporting working people and good jobs, but then simultaneously support policies that hollow out an already shrinking middle class. One of those policies is so-called “Right-to-Work” legislation, part of a deliberate campaign by extremists and parts of the corporate lobby that know exactly what they are […]

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