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Killing Amtrak from Within

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As Amtrak prepares to fight for its very existence, its own Board of Directors has abandoned its fiduciary responsibility and instead appears willing, at the direction of the White House, to put the carrier into bankruptcy. While the Board’s strategy to dismantle Amtrak from within is being directed by an Administration that has long sought […]

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Protecting the Public from Transportation Security Risks

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Over three years have passed since the horrific events of 9/11, yet amazingly too little has been done to secure our nation’s transportation network from another terrorist attack. Sufficient resources have not been allocated, common-sense requirements have not been imposed, and too often employees and their unions have not been enlisted as true partners in […]

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The NMB'S Federal Tax on Rail Workers

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At the behest of the railroad industry, Bush appointees to the National Mediation Board (NMB) are poised to use the thin bureaucratic smokescreen of new “filing fees” to suppress rail workers from speaking out on critical issues of working conditions, safety, and pay. Transportation labor strongly condemns this egregious and misguided effort to silence workers.For […]

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Letter Opposing Changing Foreign Ownership Standards

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Mr. John Byerly Deputy Assistant Secretary for Transportation Affairs U.S. Department of State EB/TRA Room 5830 2201 C Street, NW Washington, DC  20520-5820 Mr. Paul Gretch Director Office of International Aviation Room 6402 U.S. Department of Transportation 400 Seventh Street, SW Washington, DC  20590 Dear Mssrs. Byerly and Gretch: As the U.S. prepares to resume […]

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TSA Fees for Security Threat Assessments for Hazmat Drivers

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Docket Management System U.S. Department of Transportation Room Plaza 401 400 Seventh Street, SW Washington, D.C.  20590 RE: Fees for Security Threat Assessments for Hazmat Drivers (Docket No. TSA-2004-19605). Dear Sir or Madam: The Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD)  is pleased to submit these comments to the Transportation Security Administration’s (TSA) Notice of Proposed Rulemaking […]

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Comments to TSA and DHS on Aircraft Repair Station Security

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Comments of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO Before the Transportation Security Administration Department of Homeland Security Request for Comments Aircraft Repair Station Security Docket No. TSA-2004-17131 The Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD) , on behalf of its 35 affiliated unions, and in particular the nation’s premier airline mechanic unions B the International Association of Machinists […]

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A Serious Investment in our Transportation System and Its Workers

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The reauthorization of the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21) is at a critical juncture.  President Bush continues to publicize his staunch opposition to a fully-funded reauthorization bill, and most recently has threatened to veto any legislation over $270 billion.  Despite this intense political pressure from the White House, Congress must pass a […]

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A Sound Course for U.S. International Aviation Policy

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The U.S. aviation industry and its employees continue to recover from the severe economic effects of the September 11 attacks.  While the major air carriers are showing limited signs of improvement, they are still struggling in a strained U.S. economy to return to profitability and at the same time meet the increased security costs necessitated […]

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Administration Budget Squanders Opportunity to Create Jobs

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America’s workers are suffering through what ivory tower economists like to call a “jobless recovery.”  Those who would tell out of work transportation and manufacturing workers that the economy is recovering fail to recognize that the 3 million workers who have been laid-off since 2001 are still looking for good jobs with no relief in […]

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Defending the Collective Bargaining Rights of Postal Employees

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It is deeply troubling that part of the debate over reforming the U.S. Postal Service has – thanks to  some ill-advised recommendations of a presidential commission – become a forum for some to advance proposals that would severely undermine the collective bargaining rights of postal employees.  Congress must reject the poorly conceived collective bargaining recommendations […]

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