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Ending Sexual Harassment and Abuse in the Transportation Sector

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The rise of the #MeToo Movement has shined a national spotlight on a pervasive problem in American workplace culture that, until recently, has largely been ignored: sexual harassment and gender-based violence. With a newfound voice, confidence, and power, women across the country are stepping forward to say enough is enough. Thousands have courageously shared their […]

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Brexit: Aviation Agreement Must Include Worker Protections

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The labor movement has a long and committed record of advocating for strong labor provisions in U.S. trade agreements. In 2011 the U.S.-EU-Norway-Iceland air transport agreement included a landmark labor clause designed to protect labor standards as air services are liberalized under the agreement (Article 17 bis). Now, as the U.S. and U.K. negotiate a […]

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FAA Must Support Voluntary Safety Reporting Program

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On behalf of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD), I am pleased to provide comments on the FAA’s Draft Advisory Circular AC 120-66C, Aviation Safety Action Program (ASAP). By way of background, TTD consists of 32 affiliate unions representing workers in all modes of transportation, including several unions in the aviation sector who have members that participate in ASAPs at their place of employment. We therefore have a vested interest in the circular.

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Vote YES on H.R. 4 and Support Pro-Worker Positions on Amendments

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On behalf of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD), I urge you to vote YES on H.R. 4, the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018. I want to thank Chairman Shuster and Ranking Member DeFazio for crafting a bipartisan, comprehensive FAA reauthorization that promotes safety, rejects frivolous attacks on labor and worker rights, and provides long-term stability for the FAA. In addition to supporting the underlying bill, I ask that you reject several anti-labor amendments and support others that would further promote safety and security in our aviation system.

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Urge DOT and DOD to Enforce Existing Shipping Laws

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On behalf of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD), I ask you to sign the letter being circulated by Representatives John Garamendi, Duncan Hunter, David Joyce and Cedric Richmond urging the Departments of Defense and Transportation to fully enforce maritime cargo preference laws.

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Autonomous Vehicle Policy Must Address Worker and Safety Issues

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On behalf of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD), I am pleased to provide comments on the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA) solicitations for information on autonomous transit buses and autonomous vehicle design. By way of background, TTD consists of 32 affiliate unions representing workers in all modes of transportation, including those who will be impacted by the development and deployment of automated driving systems. We therefore have a vested interested in the rulemaking.[1]

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Oppose the Tribal Labor Sovereignty Act

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Dear Senator: On behalf of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD), I urge you to vote NO on the Tribal Labor Sovereignty Act, packaged together with several other bills as part of S.140. Under the guise of promoting tribal self-governance, the bill would deny labor rights and protections for hundreds of thousands of workers by […]

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TTD Comments on NHTSA Autonomous Vehicle Guidance

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On behalf of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD), I am pleased to provide comments on the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA) A Vision for Safety 2.0 guidance regarding autonomous vehicles. By way of background, TTD consists of 32 affiliate unions representing workers in all modes of transportation, including those who will be impacted by the development and deployment of automated driving systems. We therefore have a vested interested in the guidance.

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A Common Sense Approach to Sleep Apnea for Workers in the Rail , Bus and Truck Sectors

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Fatigue is a systemic problem in the rail, bus and truck industries with many contributing causes including long work shifts, unpredictable schedules and company practices that too often create a tired workforce. Undiagnosed sleep disorders, including obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), can contribute to fatigue and this issue has received significant attention in recent years. However, […]

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Protecting the Jones Act and Supporting U.S. Workers

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U.S. maritime cabotage laws – collectively known as the Jones Act – have served an essential role promoting our nation’s economic and national security since 1920. The Act serves not only to create domestic maritime employment opportunities but also acts as a bulwark against an exploitative international shipping market that seeks to undermine labor rights […]

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