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Congress Must Act Quickly to Fund Critical Transportation Programs and Avert a Government Shutdown

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February 23, 2024 The Honorable Mike Johnson Speaker of the House H-232, The Capitol Washington, DC 20515 The Honorable Chuck Schumer S-221, The Capitol Senate Majority Leader Washington, DC 20510 The Honorable Kay Granger House Appropriations Committee H-307, The Capitol Washington, DC 20515 The Honorable Patty Murray Senate Appropriations Committee S-128, The Capitol Washington, DC […]

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Reject BNSF’s Request for Permanent Waiver from Safety Measures

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On behalf of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD), I am pleased to respond to the Federal Railroad Administration’s (FRA) notice regarding BNSF Railway Company’s petition to make permanent its existing waiver from certain provisions of the Federal railroad safety regulations contained at 49 CFR parts 232 (Brake System Safety Standards for Freight and Other Non-Passenger Trains and Equipment; End-Of-Train Devices), and 229 (Railroad Locomotive Safety Standards). Canadian National Railway Company (CN) and Union Pacific Railroad (UP) are also requesting relief under the existing waiver. TTD consists of 37 affiliated unions representing the totality of rail labor, including freight rail employees.[1] For the reasons outlined below, we ask that the FRA deny this petition. In addition, we endorse the comments filed in this docket by our affiliates, the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen (BLET) and the Transportation Division of the International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail, and Transportation Workers (SMART-TD).

The existing waiver allows BNSF, CPKC, and CSX to test extending the air flow method (AFM) test intervals from 92 days to 184 days on locomotives equipped with the New York Air Brake (NYAB) CCB–II and Fastbrake air brake systems. The most recent petition requests that the relief granted under the existing waiver be extended to CN and UP. In addition, BNSF is requesting that this relief be made permanent.

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Workers Must Be Front and Center in Clean Energy Transition

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On behalf of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD), I am pleased to respond to the Department of Energy’s (DOE) request for information (RFI) on the progression to net-zero emission propulsion technologies for the rail sector. TTD consists of 37 affiliated unions representing the totality of rail labor, including both passenger and freight rail workers.[1] We therefore have a vested interest in this RFI and encourage the DOE to take our input into consideration.

Our affiliate unions represent the vast majority of railroad industry workers engaged in train operations, train dispatching, signal, maintenance of way and mechanical maintenance, inspection, testing, and repair on passenger and freight railroads throughout the United States. Each of these crafts will be impacted in some way by the transition to net-zero rail propulsion technology. Workers in the mechanical crafts, who are responsible for the maintenance, inspection, testing, and repair of locomotives and rail cars, will likely experience the most significant changes to their day-to-day jobs as the rail sector begins to transition to net-zero technology and the technology used in locomotives changes from the current diesel based setup.

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Vote YES on Markey 29 Amendment to Support Airport Service Workers

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February 7, 2024 Dear Senator: On behalf of the undersigned labor organizations, we urge you to vote in favor of the amendment Markey 29, during the Commerce, Science, & Transportation Executive Committee markup on Thursday, Feb 8, 2024. The Good Jobs for Good Airports (GJGA) Act The amendment addresses federal minimum standards for pay, benefits, […]

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Member Sign-On Letter to Delta Urging Neutrality Towards Union Organizing Efforts

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January 31, 2024 Dear Representative: On behalf of our affiliated unions representing hundreds of thousands of airline workers, the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD) urges you to join Congressional Labor Caucus co-chairs Mark Pocan (D-WI), Debbie Dingell (D-MI) and Donald Norcross (D-NJ), along with Caucus member Jan Schakowsky (D-IL), in a letter (below) to support […]

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FTA Must Empower Workers to Make Decisions About Fatigue

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On behalf of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD), I am pleased to respond to the Federal Transit Administration’s (FTA) advanced notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPRM) regarding potential standards for hours of service and fatigue risk management programs for transit workers. TTD consists of 37 affiliated unions, including those representing the majority of public transportation workers in the United States, whose safety and livelihoods will be impacted by potential regulations governing hours of service and fatigue risk management for transit employees.[1] In addition, we endorse the comments submitted by our affiliates, the Transport Workers Union of America (TWU) and the Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU).


Prior to responding to the substance of this ANPRM, we’d like to first express our strong disapproval of the FTA’s handling of this proceeding. From the beginning of this rulemaking process, the FTA’s noticeable partiality toward the American Public Transportation Association (APTA) has been an affront to our members. The FTA has made feeble attempts to engage with the labor organizations whose members will be directly affected by the establishment of hours of service requirements, all the while holding listening sessions that have served as sounding boards for anti-worker and anti-union sentiments. The FTA must consider the perspectives and expertise of those directly involved in providing this essential service to our communities. We urge the FTA to work with labor stakeholders in an open and meaningful way going forward.

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TTD Urges FRA to Consider Labor’s Input for Brightline West “Buy America” Waiver

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On behalf of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD), I am pleased to respond to the Federal Railroad Administration’s (FRA) request for comments on a proposed non-availability waiver of Buy America requirements for certain components necessary to complete a high-speed passenger train project between Las Vegas, NV and Rancho Cucamonga, CA. TTD consists of 37 affiliated unions, including those representing the totality of rail labor and workers in construction and manufacturing who will be directly impacted by this potential waiver.[1] We therefore respectfully request that the FRA take our input on this matter into serious consideration.

At the request of the Nevada Department of Transportation (NVDOT) and Brightline West, the FRA seeks to waive its Buy America requirements for the domestic production of the trainset, signal systems, high-speed rail turnout and fire alarm systems required for the high-speed passenger rail project between Las Vegas and Rancho Cucamonga. According to the FRA’s notice, two potential suppliers, Siemens and Alstom, represented they could provide the necessary high-speed rail components that meet Brightline West’s specifications and the applicable FRA safety requirements but could not domestically produce certain components that would be required to meet the specifications.

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Amid Red Sea Shipping Attacks, Maritime Labor Requests Critical Communication Support

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January 19, 2024 General Jacqueline D. Van Ovost, USAF United States Transportation Command Dear General Van Ovost: On behalf of the undersigned American maritime labor unions who serve aboard MSP vessels, we are writing in regard to the ongoing attacks from the Houthi rebels of Yemen on international and U.S.-flag shipping in the Bab el-Mandeb […]

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Railroads Must Be Prepared for Routine Winter Weather

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On behalf of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD), I am pleased to respond to the Association of American Railroads (AAR)’s request to the Federal Railroad Administration to open an emergency docket under 49 CFR 211.45 to provide relief from its waiver from certain provisions contained in 49 CFR 229 and 49 CFR 232.15 for upwards of 14 days. TTD consists of 37 affiliated unions representing the totality of rail labor, including employees on all the Class I railroads covered by the AAR’s request. For the reasons outlined below, we ask that the FRA deny the AAR’s request.

Current weather conditions do not rise to the level of an “emergency event” or “emergency situation” as required under 49 CFR 211.45. Unsurprisingly, in the middle of January, several parts of the country are experiencing very low temperatures and snow. Such conditions occur regularly and railroads should be prepared. Furthermore, this ongoing winter weather event is not as severe as other winter storms that have occurred  in just the last five years.

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30 Labor Unions Urge Senate To Oppose Any Changes to Pilot Retirement Age

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January 11, 2024 Dear Senator, The undersigned labor organizations representing workers write to urge that you oppose any change to the statutory pilot retirement age as the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation considers deliberation of an FAA reauthorization bill.  Raising the retirement age to be in noncompliance with International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) […]

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