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TTD Responds to PHMSA Regarding Hazardous Materials Communication

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On behalf of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD), I am pleased to provide comments on the PHMSA’s request for information (RFI) regarding electronic hazard communication. By way of background, TTD consists of 37 affiliate unions, including freight rail workers, first responders, and dispatchers who interact with hazardous materials on a daily basis.

In the RFI, PHMSA seeks input regarding the potential use of electronic communication as an alternative to current, physical documentation requirements for hazard communication (e.g. shipping papers, train consists, dangerous goods manifests, notifications to the pilot in command, and emergency response information, as well as associated administrative documentation including DOT Special Permits, approvals, and registrations) concerning transportation of hazardous materials.

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FAA Must Swiftly Implement Secondary Barriers

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FAA Must Swiftly Implement Secondary Barriers

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On behalf of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD), I am pleased to respond to the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) request for comment on the Installation and Operation of Flightdeck Installed Physical Secondary Barriers on Transport Category Airplanes in Part 121 Service. TTD consists of 37 unions in all modes of transportation, including those that represent flight, cabin crew, and ground personnel at airlines throughout the United States. TTD, along with its affiliate unions, has long fought for so-called secondary barriers or Installed Physical Secondary Barriers (IPSB) on transport category aircraft. While we are pleased the FAA finally has initiated a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM), the FAA should take further actions related to the scope of the rulemaking, compliance timeline, and application to foreign air carriers, among other important steps.

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TTD President Greg Reagan Testifies on Impact of Federal Investment in Transportation and Workers

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TTD President Greg Regan Testifies On Impact of Federal Investment in Transportation and Workers

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Good morning. Thank you, Chairman DeFazio and Ranking Member Graves for inviting me to testify before the committee today. It is truly an honor to be asked to testify at Chairman DeFazio’s final full committee hearing. The Chairman has a proud and historic legacy of fighting for sound transportation policy, new investments in a modern transportation system and infrastructure that create good union jobs, and the strongest transportation and construction worker protections in our laws and regulations.

I speak today on behalf of 37 unions who collectively represent millions of frontline workers across every mode and every sector of America’s transportation network.

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Support the Bipartisan Global Aircraft Maintenance Safety Improvement Act

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On behalf of workers across the airline industry, we are writing to encourage you to support the bipartisan Global Aircraft Maintenance Safety Improvement Act (H.R. 7321) when it comes up for a vote on the House floor. This legislation removes incentives for airlines to offshore maintenance jobs by closing safety loopholes which allow US-aircraft to be repaired on lower safety standards at FAA-certified facilities abroad.

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TTD Calls for Worker-Centered Innovation Policy at DOT

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The Honorable Pete Buttigieg Secretary U.S. Department of Transportation 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE Washington, DC 20590 Dear Secretary Buttigieg: On behalf of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD), I am writing to express deep concern about the U.S. Department of Transportation’s (DOT) approach toward the deployment of poorly regulated and potentially disruptive new technologies […]

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FTA Must Count Every Worker Assault

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On behalf of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD), I am pleased to provide comments on the Federal Transit Administration’s (FTA) proposed changes regarding National Transit Database (NTD) safety and security reporting. TTD consists of 37 affiliate unions and their workers, including transit operators, maintenance workers, and other operations personnel. TTD endorses the comments by our affiliates, the Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) and the Transport Workers Union of America (TWU), which are also filed in this docket.[1] In particular, as stated by ATU, implementation of data collection must capture both physical and other forms of assault.

The proposed changes would incorporate the updated definition of “assault on a transit worker” for the purposes of NTD reporting. The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law amended 49 U.S.C. 5302(1) to define “assault on a transit worker” as a “circumstance in which an individual knowingly, without lawful authority or permission, and with intent to endanger the safety of any individual, or with a reckless disregard for the safety of human life, interferes with, disables, or incapacitates a transit worker while the transit worker is performing the duties of the transit worker.”

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TTD Urges Biden to Renominate Captain Moak to USPS Board of Governors

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On behalf of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD), I offer my strong support for Captain Donald L. Moak to serve another term on the Board of Governors of the United States Postal Service (USPS).

The USPS Board of Governors was established by Congress more than 50 years ago to direct the powers of the Postal Service, and to oversee its expenditures, practices, and long-range planning, and to set policies on all postal matters. As a labor federation representing workers in all modes of transportation, including the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC), whose members drive the country’s largest federal fleet, TTD has a vested interest in ensuring the Board promotes the safety, security, and welfare of the Postal Service’s workers. Given Captain Moak’s current service on the Board and his long and distinguished career in union labor, we know he is more than qualified to be reappointed to serve a second term.

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TTD urges Senate to confirm STB Member Robert Primus for Another Term

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On behalf of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD), I offer my strong support for Robert Primus to serve another term on the Surface Transportation Board (STB). I urge the Members of the Senate Commerce Committee to favorably report his nomination out of the Committee and encourage his confirmation by the full Senate.

In 1996, Congress established the STB as the successor to the Interstate Commerce Commission and tasked it with the economic regulation of freight rail. The STB operated in alignment with the U.S. Department of Transportation until Congress deemed it a wholly independent federal agency through the 2015 STB Reauthorization Act.

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