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National Journal Blog – Time to Think Big

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As posted on National Journal’s Transportation Experts Blog At the President’s Columbus Day meeting, I was proud to be at a White House that wants to transform the way we think about and invest in transportation. President Obama is thinking big, and his commitment to expanding and rebuilding America’s transportation network is going to be […]

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Transportation Investments: We Need to Think Big

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by Edward Wytkind, President of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO   Last week, I was proud to be at a White House that wants to dramatically increase investments in our transportation systems and sees them as a solution to an economy still stuck in neutral. In the meeting he hosted, President Obama articulated his commitment […]

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National Journal Blog – Further Delay is Not an Option

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[As posted on National Journal’s Transportation Experts Blog] After three years of delay and 16 short-term funding extensions, only a few legislative days remain for Congress to act on FAA Reauthorization this year. The Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO and its affiliated unions are urging the Senate to pass the FAA bill before adjournment. The traveling […]

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Congress Needs to Pass FAA Bill

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[Published by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution] Let’s hope President Barack Obama’s Labor Day announcement to create jobs by investing in our nation’s crumbling infrastructure doesn’t meet the same fate as most proposals to fix our transportation system and jump-start the economy. More than 400 bills passed by the House of Representatives have stalled or met their […]

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National Journal Blog – Save Jobs and Preserve Services

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[As posted on National Journal’s Transportation Experts Blog] Sen. Dodd’s emergency operating assistance legislation will save thousands of jobs and preserve public transit services for millions of riders. Thousands of transit workers won’t keep earning a paycheck without help. But the impact is far greater than just those who work for America’s transit systems. Without […]

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Editorial on NMB Change in Huffington Post

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Today, a longstanding injustice was rectified.  After decades of operating within a system that is rigged against them, airline and rail workers have gained a right that most of us take for granted—the right to vote in elections where the majority of those participating wins.  After lengthy consideration, the National Mediation Board (NMB), which governs […]

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National Journal Blog – What should the gas tax pay for? In a word, transportation.

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[As posted by Ed Wytkind on National Journal’s Transportation Experts Blog] What should the gas tax pay for? In a word, transportation. Contrary to The Washington Post’s misguided editorial today, the gas tax must exclusively fund the expansion and maintenance of America’s transit and highway systems. Given our surface transportation network’s current state of disrepair and the […]

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