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[As posted by Kathryn Wolfe in Politico] With negotiations ongoing, the Transportation Trades Department of the AFL-CIO is circulating a letter to senators urging support for the WRDA bill. The letter comes as another key Democratic constituency, green groups, are unhappy with the bill’s project streamlining provisions. TTD also urges support for language in the […]

Read More – Trucking's reaction to Foxx as DOT chief swift and courteous

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[By] WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama on Monday tapped rising Democratic politician Anthony Foxx to lead the Department of Transportation. The afternoon announcement at the White House was only a formality; the White House leaked Foxx’s impending nomination Sunday. Reaction to the announcement from the trucking industry was swift — and courteous. “On behalf […]

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The Hill – Obama taps Charlotte Mayor Foxx for secretary of Transportation

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[By Keith Laing of The Hill]   President Obama on Monday officially nominated Charlotte Mayor Anthony Foxx (D) to be the next U.S. Transportation secretary. Obama introduced Foxx at the White House and said the Charlotte, N.C., mayor would bring experience implementing transportation programs at the local level to the top transportation job in his Cabinet. […]

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Statement on Nomination of Anthony Foxx as Next Secretary of Transportation

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WASHINGTON, DC—The following statement was issued today by Edward Wytkind, president of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD), in reaction to the nomination of Charlotte Mayor Anthony Foxx as Secretary of Transportation: “I want to congratulate Mayor Anthony Foxx for his nomination by President Obama as the next Secretary of Transportation.  Mayor Foxx is assuming […]

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Workers Memorial Day a Reminder of Needed Transportation Safety Reforms

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WASHINGTON, DC—The following statement was issued today by Edward Wytkind, president of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD), in observance of Workers Memorial Day, April 28, 2013: “The horrific death last week of a New York City subway worker is just one of many tragic reminders of the dangers that confront transportation workers on the […]

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National Journal – Belt-Tightening? Hardly

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[As posted by Ed Wytkind in the National Journal] The budget cuts being imposed on the FAA for the remainder of the year, and the cascading effects the reckless sequester will have on air travel, are hardly akin to trimming a little fat. So let’s stop calling the sequestration a 2.5 percent “belt-tightening” for the FAA. […]

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National Journal—Buying American is So American

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[As posted by Ed Wytkind in the National Journal] What’s so complicated about spending American taxpayer dollars to put Americans to work? That’s the motivation behind our endorsement of policies that condition America’s investment in new streetcars, buses and rail cars on making those products here in America. Seriously, is there a poll that says […]

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The Hill-Ryan Budget Targets DOT, High-Speed Rail Funding

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[By Keith Laing of The Hill] The budget unveiled Tuesday by Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) would slash transportation spending in an effort to as part of an effort to cut federal spending by $5.7 trillion. The plan from Ryan, who is the chairman of the House Budget Committee, is intended to balance the federal budget by the […]

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Ryan Budget Puts Economic Recovery, Nation’s Mobility at Severe Risk

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WASHINGTON, DC—Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD) President Edward Wytkind issues this statement on the House Republican budget unveiled by House Budget Committee Chairman Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI): “There is no question that the Ryan Budget plan released today would devastate our transportation system and destroy hundreds of thousands of jobs in the process while locking […]

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Senate Appropriations Bill Rejects House Cuts to Mass Transit and Highway Programs

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Honors MAP-21 Funding Levels WASHINGTON, DC—Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD) President Edward Wytkind issues this statement applauding the Senate for including surface transportation bill (MAP-21) funding levels in its FY 2013 appropriations package: “The Senate has wisely rejected the irresponsible cuts to mass transit and highways in the House Continuing Resolution (CR) funding bill, deciding […]

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