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TTD Congratulates Anthony Foxx On Confirmation as DOT Secretary

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WASHINGTON, DC—Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD) President Edward Wytkind issues this statement in reaction to Senate confirmation of Anthony Foxx as our nation’s Secretary of Transportation: “On behalf of the nation’s transportation workers, I congratulate Anthony Foxx on his confirmation by the Senate as the next U.S. Secretary of Transportation. Secretary Foxx is a skilled […]

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House Rejects Misguided Food Aid Amendment

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WASHINGTON, DC—Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD) President Edward Wytkind issues this statement on the rejection of the Royce-Engle amendment to the Federal Agriculture Reform and Risk Management (FARRM) Act of 2013 (H.R. 1947): “We are pleased that the House of Representatives wisely rejected the Royce-Engel amendment that would have gutted our nation’s Food for Peace […]

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Marine Log—AFL CIO: Time to reconsider flawed TWIC program

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[By Marine Log]   JUNE 18, 2013 — “It is time for Congress and the Department of Homeland Security to institute immediate and significant changes to the Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC) program,” says Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD) President Edward Wytkind in a statement issued as the House Subcommittee on Border and Maritime Security […]

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Time to Reconsider Flawed TWIC Program

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WASHINGTON, DC—Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD) President Edward Wytkind issues this statement regarding the Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC) program, the subject of a hearing today by the House Subcommittee on Border and Maritime Security: “It is time for Congress and the Department of Homeland Security to institute immediate and significant changes to the Transportation […]

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National Journal—Take Away Ideology, Amtrak is a Highway

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[As posted by Ed Wytkind in the National Journal] Back in the day, a Republican president signed into law one of the greatest infrastructure investments in history, linking communities across the country through long-distance highways. It advanced the nation light years, both economically and in quality of life. It physically put the United in the United […]

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Legislation Would Spare Public Transit Riders from Looming Tax Increase

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Grimm-McGovern-King-Blumenauer Lead Effort  WASHINGTON, DC—Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD) President Edward Wytkind issues this statement in support of the Transit Parity Act introduced by Reps. Michael Grimm (R-NY), James McGovern (D-MA), Peter King (R-NY) and Earl Blumenauer (D-OR): “The clock is ticking on a tax increase on working Americans unless Congress extends the tax credit […]

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Transportation Labor Mourns the Loss of Sen. Frank Lautenberg

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WASHINGTON, DC—Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD) President Edward Wytkind issues this statement on the passing of Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.): “It is with a heavy heart that we mourn the loss of Sen. Frank Lautenberg, a stalwart proponent of a vibrant and safe transportation system and a tireless advocate of the men and woman who […]

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Politico – Congress loses transportation’s ‘relentless warrior’ with Lautenberg death

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[As written by Kathryn Wolfe and Scott Wong in Politico] Amtrak and transportation safety advocates have lost one of their biggest defenders, Sen. Frank Lautenberg, who died Monday morning at the age of 89. The New Jersey Democrat, who chaired a key Senate Commerce panel on transportation and safety, played a role in pushing through […]

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Trade Only – Senate passes dredging bill

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[As written by Trade Only] Dredging projects critical to navigation, one of several political priorities for the industry, took a step forward Wednesday when the U.S. Senate passed the Water Resources Development Act by a vote of 83-14. “The passage of the Water Resources Development Act today brings much-needed reforms to harbor maintenance funding,” Edward […]

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Senate Bill Improves Nation’s Waterways, Boosts American Competitiveness and Jobs

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WASHINGTON, DC—Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD) President Edward Wytkind issues this statement in support of Senate passage of the Water Resources Development Act (S.601): “The passage of the Water Resources and Development Act today brings much needed reforms to harbor maintenance funding. The bill puts us on a path to fully funding our harbor maintenance […]

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