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Driven to Ruin: Fares are scarcer for NYC cabbies and automation is on their tail

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As published by Peter Rugh in The Indypendent    Morning rush hour was in full swing, yet the deafening bang that came from Douglas Schifter’s vehicle cut through the noisy clamor of New Yorkers hustling to make it to work on time. Inside a rented Nissan sedan, the 61-year-old professional driver put the barrel end […]

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Misguided Privatization of Screening Services at Orlando Airport Must be Rejected

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Washington, DC — Larry Willis, president of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD), issues this statement about the proposal to privatize security screening at the Orlando International Airport: “The plan being considered by the Greater Orlando Aviation Authority (GOAA) to privatize its security screening operations is shortsighted and misguided. Viewed generously, this is a solution […]

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Trump’s Infrastructure Plan Is to Spend Less on Infrastructure

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AS REPORTED BY DAVID DAYEN FOR THE NATION When he finally unveiled his infrastructure plan on Monday, President Donald Trump offered cities and states negative $40 billion. Most media accounts have described it as a $1.5 trillion deal, but the plan’s proposed $200 billion spending must be weighed against the $240 billion in cuts to […]

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Trump Dispatches His Public Works Plan to Skeptical Congress

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AS REPORTED BY BLOOMBERG AND INDUSTRYWEEK STAFF FOR INDUSTRYWEEK President Donald Trump released his long-awaited proposal to upgrade roads, airports and other public works on Monday, kicking off what will likely be a tough sell in Congress with Democrats saying the plan falls short and Republicans wary of another big spending measure. The 53-page document […]

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Statement on White House Infrastructure Proposal

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Washington, DC — Larry I. Willis, president of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD), issues this statement on infrastructure principles released today by President Trump: “We have long called for America’s infrastructure crisis to be met with a massive infusion of new federal investment that will grow the economy and create good, middle-class jobs. While […]

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Transportation Labor is Proud to Honor Dr. Martin Luther King and His Legacy

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“As our nation prepares to reflect upon the 50th anniversary of Dr. King’s tragic and untimely passing, we cannot and must not forget the ideals he fought and died for — including access to good jobs, fair pay, and safe working conditions — are the same things working people are fighting for today.”

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Problem Solvers Caucus Report Demonstrates Bipartisan Support for Infrastructure Investments

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Washington, DC — Larry I. Willis, president of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD) issued this statement on the Problem Solvers Caucus Infrastructure Working Group Report Rebuilding America’s Infrastructure: “We applaud the Problem Solvers Caucus Infrastructure Working Group, led by Reps. Elizabeth Etsy (D-CT) and John Katko (R-NY), for recognizing the urgency of America’s infrastructure crisis […]

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Groups representing American road builders, civil engineers support new Senate bridge bill

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AS REPORTED BY KIM RILEY FOR TRANSPORTATION TODAY Just-introduced legislation from U.S. Senate Democrats that would pour $75 billion over a decade into a new competitive grant program for repairing the nation’s structurally shoddy bridges has received overwhelming support even before being assigned a bill number. The Bridge Investment Act, introduced Jan. 4 by Sens. […]

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Supporting Common-Sense Investments in our Nation’s Bridges

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At a time when too many Americans lack access to good, middle-class jobs and failure to fund and maintain our infrastructure has led us to a national crisis, the Bridge Investment Act is the kind of common-sense legislation our country needs.

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Statement on New York, New Jersey Funding Commitments for Gateway Rail Tunnel Project

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Washington, DC — Larry I. Willis, president of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD), issues this statement in response to yesterday’s announcement by Governors Andrew Cuomo and Chris Christie that New York and New Jersey will contribute $5.6 billion toward the proposed Gateway rail tunnel project: “Completion of the Gateway rail tunnel project is critical […]

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