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Hit Hard by Covid-19, Transit Workers Call for Shutdowns

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As reported by Laura Bliss in CityLab. The life of a transit worker was never easy in the United States. Then along came coronavirus. To enable the livelihoods of other essential workers, thousands of bus drivers, track repairers, yard masters, cleaners and others are still showing up to their jobs amid the pandemic. But the […]

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Rail labor groups seek federal oversight on temporary waivers

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As reported by Yahoo! Finance. The Transportation Trades Department (TTD) of the AFL-CIO is asking Administrator Ron Batory of the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) to ensure that the freight railroads are using furloughed workers first before seeking a waiver to be exempt from safety-related regulations. Because of the coronavirus pandemic, FRA had declared emergency relief provisions be available, which […]

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How Labor Unions Won Historic Pay Protection For Aviation Workers

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As Reported By Ted Reed for Forbes   As Congress prepares to approve a $2 trillion stimulus bill to mitigate the financial impact of the corona virus, airline labor unions appear to have achieved unprecedented success in extending its protections to their workers. The bill provides $31 billion in direct grants to pay as many […]

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Lawmakers Can Stand with Working Families by Passing the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act

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Washington, DC — Larry Willis, president of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD), issues this statement on the CARES Act: “We call on lawmakers in Washington to stand with working people by passing the CARES Act. This vital piece of legislation will provide desperately needed support to workers and their families, and ensure our economy […]

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Aviation Aid Must Come with Conditions that Put Workers First

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Washington, DC — Larry Willis, president of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD), issues this statement as lawmakers consider emergency financial aid to airlines, and as airlines advocate for ‘minimum conditions’ on such aid: “For weeks, TTD and our aviation unions have been calling on immediate aid to the airline industry in order to pay […]

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Betting on a Big Bailout

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As Reported By Andrew Soergel for U.S. News & World Report CALLS FOR GOVERNMENT bailouts are growing louder across industries as the coronavirus pandemic and Americans’ self-isolation response grinds domestic economic activity to a standstill. Bailouts have traditionally been thorny subjects on Capitol Hill, but President Donald Trump’s administration is pushing lawmakers to prop up industries […]

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Airline unions work to attach employee-friendly conditions to coronavirus bailout

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As Reported By Andrew Keiper for Fox News Amid a sharp decline in revenue, airline unions and advocates are working in tandem to lobby the government for a financial bailout that will keep the industry afloat and ensure workers receive direct compensation and benefits. The Department of Treasury has circulated a three-stage stimulus package that would include […]

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Planes, trains and motorcoaches seek bailouts as virus hammers demand

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As Reported By Keith Laing for The Detroit News Washington — Reduced demand for travel due to the coronavirus pandemic is taking a toll on the nation’s transportation systems. Airlines, Amtrak and bus services are feeling the pinch and looking for help from Washington. The requests for help piled up quickly as lawmakers scramble to prevent an economic […]

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‘No blank check’ for airlines seeking more than $50 billion in coronavirus aid, Democrats warn

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As Reported By Leslie Josephs and Lauren Hirsch for CNBC The more than $50 billion in government aid U.S. airlines are seeking as the coronavirus ravages their businesses must include worker and consumer protections, Democratic lawmakers and labor unions said Tuesday. They criticized airlines for spending years of windfall profits buying back their own stock. “No blank check […]

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GOP lukewarm on talk of airline bailout

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As Reported By Jordain Carney, Niv Elis and Alex Gangitano for The Hill Pressure to extend tens of billions in federal relief to the struggling airline industry is being met with grumbles from top Republicans on Capitol Hill. GOP senators appeared lukewarm to the idea of a bailout, though they also appeared to acknowledge that […]

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