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Congress Must Restore Fairness to FAA Collective Bargaining

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: 202/628-9262 FAA Management Threatens Safety, Maligns Workers Washington, DC –Equating the Federal Aviation Administration’s “scorched-earth” approach to collective bargaining to the “irresponsible conduct from anti-worker corporate giants like Wal-Mart,” transportation labor leaders today called upon Congress to pass bipartisan legislation which would ensure fairness in FAA labor-management negotiations. At its biannual […]

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Lawmakers Say No to Closing Dangerous Loophole in Aviation Safety

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Michael Buckley 202/628-9262 House Panel Rejects Tighter Review of Outsourced Aircraft Maintenance Washington, D.C. – The following statement was issued today by Edward Wytkind, president of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD), on the House Homeland Security Committee rejecting an amendment by Rep. James Langevin (D-RI) to require greater federal review […]

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Airline Jobs, National Security at Risk by Bush Plan Allowing Foreign Control of U.S. Airlines

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Michael Buckley 202/628-9262 202/262-3854 AFL-CIO Transportation Leader Testifies at House Hearing Washington, D.C. – The Bush administration’s controversial plan to allow foreign control of U.S. airlines “weakens the aviation industry at the worst possible time,” threatens national security, and violates existing law, Edward Wytkind, President of the AFL-CIO’s Transportation Trades […]

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House Panel Rebuffs Bush Plan Allowing Foreign Control of U.S. Airlines

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Michael Buckley 202/628-9262 Threats to National and Economic Security Prompt Bipartisan Action Washington, D.C. – The following statement was issued today by Edward Wytkind, president of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD), on the House Appropriations Committee directing the Bush administration, for 120 days, to not carry out its plan to […]

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Transportation Labor: Congress Must Suspend Plan to Turn U.S. Port Operations over to Dubai-Based Company

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Michael Buckley 202/628-9262 202/262-3854 White House Veto Threat “Dangerously Out of Touch” with Bipartisan Security Concerns Washington, D.C. . . . The following statement was issued today by Edward Wytkind, President of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD), in response to the Bush administration decision allowing a company owned by […]

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AFL-CIO Airline Unions Support FAA Workers, Endorse Obama Bill Ensuring Fairness in Collective Bargaining

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT:Michael Buckley 202/628-9262 202/262-3854 Washington, D.C. — Decrying a contentious approach to labor-management relations and a short-sighted emphasis on cost-savings over safety by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), AFL-CIO airline unions today held a joint press conference to show their support for FAA employees and their unions. The unions — representing […]

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Bush Amtrak Budget Shortchanges Passengers, Scapegoats Workers

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Michael Buckley 202/628-9262 Washington, D.C. . . . The following statement was issued today by Edward Wytkind, President of the AFL-CIO’s Transportation Trades Department, (TTD), in response to the Bush administration’s proposed Fiscal Year 2007 budget of $900 million for Amtrak. “Once again the Bush administration is attempting to bankrupt Amtrak, […]

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Railroad Safety in Desperate Need of Reform and Oversight

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Transportation labor testifies at Congressional hearing, the first step toward updating expired federal rail safety laws Washington, D.C. – Congress must overcome the railroad industry’s decade-long campaign to block common sense safety legislation and make clear that profits do not trump safety. “It is simply disgraceful that over a decade has passed since our nation’s […]

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Transportation Workers to Mobilize Behind Obama Bill Ensuring Fairness in FAA Collective Bargaining

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Michael Buckley 202/628-9262 202/262-3854 Washington, D.C. . . . The following statement was issued today by Edward Wytkind, President of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD), endorsing legislation introduced yesterday by Senators Barack Obama (D-IL), Patty Murray (D-WA), Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ), and Daniel Inouye (D-HI), denying the Federal Aviation Administration […]

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Transportation Labor Honors Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Michael Buckley 202/628-9262 202/262-3854 Washington, D.C. B The following statement was issued today by Edward Wytkind, President of the AFL-CIO’s Transportation Trades Department, in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. “On Martin Luther King, Jr. Day 2006 we pause to honor a courageous pioneer in the fight for a […]

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