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Transportation Labor Joins President Obama’s Call to Rebuild Transportation System, Put Millions to Work

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WASHINGTON, DC – Edward Wytkind, President of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD), offers the following statement following a meeting today with President Obama, Secretary Geithner, Secretary LaHood, and a number of governors and mayors about building the support needed to move a significant transportation investment initiative forward: “The President today has transformed the debate […]

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Coast Guard Bill Helps Workers

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WASHINGTON, DC — Edward Wytkind, President of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD), issued the following statement praising last night’s passage of the Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2010: “We are pleased that the House and Senate have passed the Coast Guard Authorization Act that includes several important reforms that will improve the work environment […]

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Woerth Confirmed for ICAO

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WASHINGTON, DC — Edward Wytkind, President of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD), issued the following statement praising last night’s Senate confirmation of Duane Woerth as U.S. Ambassador of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO): “Duane Woerth will bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to ICAO.  For decades Woerth has demonstrated his deep understanding […]

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National Journal Blog – Further Delay is Not an Option

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[As posted on National Journal’s Transportation Experts Blog] After three years of delay and 16 short-term funding extensions, only a few legislative days remain for Congress to act on FAA Reauthorization this year. The Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO and its affiliated unions are urging the Senate to pass the FAA bill before adjournment. The traveling […]

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Senate Rejects Isakson Resolution to Kill Democracy in Airline and Rail Union Elections

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WASHINGTON, DC – Edward Wytkind, president of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO, issued the following statement in response to a resolution of disapproval that proposed throwing out the National Mediation Board’s amended election rules for airline and rail union elections: “We’re pleased that a resolution to kill democracy in the workplace was voted down by […]

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School Transportation's Glaring Problems a Renewed Focus for Transportation Unions

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WASHINGTON, DC – The safety and working conditions found in school bus transportation operations became the subject of a renewed focus when the leaders of 32 transportation unions met today in an Executive Committee meeting of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO. “School bus transportation must remain the safest way to transport our nation’s most precious […]

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Transportation Unions Call for Go-Slow Approach in Open Skies Aviation Talks with China

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WASHINGTON, DC – Leaders of 32 transportation unions, meeting today to discuss their agenda for the coming months, urged the Obama Administration to proceed with great care in negotiations with China on a new aviation trade, or “open skies,” agreement. “The U.S.-China aviation talks are anything but a routine matter of international trade,” said Edward […]

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Congress Needs to Pass FAA Bill

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[Published by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution] Let’s hope President Barack Obama’s Labor Day announcement to create jobs by investing in our nation’s crumbling infrastructure doesn’t meet the same fate as most proposals to fix our transportation system and jump-start the economy. More than 400 bills passed by the House of Representatives have stalled or met their […]

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Transportation Workers Applaud President's Plan to Create Jobs By Investing in Transportation Network

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WASHINGTON, DC — Edward Wytkind, President of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD), offers the following statement following President Obama’s Labor Day speech that outlined a plan to invest in America’s transportation infrastructure and put Americans back to work: “It is fitting that today’s announcement of a new round of surface and aviation infrastructure investments […]

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On Labor Day, Transportation Workers Look to Leaders for Solutions

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WASHINGTON, DC — Edward Wytkind, President of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD), offers the following statement in advance of the Labor Day holiday: “On this Labor Day, transportation workers and working people across America continue to suffer as they look to their elected leaders for bold action. “The economic recovery bill championed by the […]

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