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Statement on the Inauguration of the 45th President Donald Trump

WASHINGTON, DC — Edward Wytkind, president of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD), issues this statement on the inauguration of Donald Trump, 45th President of the United States:

“We congratulate Donald Trump on his inauguration as 45th President of the United States.

“While the President inherits an economy that has made important strides since the depths of the great recession, wages remain flat for too many people and the pace of middle-class job creation remains slow. It is no coincidence that these forces have conspired against working people at a time when they are being denied the chance to form and join unions.

“We look forward to offering our best ideas to the President and Transportation Secretary-designate Elaine Chao on policy and investment initiatives that put people to work in good jobs, modernize and expand our transportation system and infrastructure, and strengthen safety and security.

“During the campaign, President Trump spoke to the millions of Americans who have seen their livelihoods threatened as jobs have been shipped overseas or lost to missed opportunities to invest in our economy. To address these problems, President Trump has promised to reform our trade policies to protect U.S. jobs, to invest in our nation’s crumbling infrastructure, and to enforce strong Buy America rules.

“These are priorities we have long supported and we will work to find common ground with the new Administration in these critical areas. At the same time, we hope the President rejects policy proposals that cut the wages and eviscerate the rights of working people, and instead champions policies that rebuild the middle class.”